SLH : Records

Playoffs / Team Single Game Records
Goals16 - SCRAMBLEc_anderson
15 - Shootersspinner007
14 - ICE ICE CRAZY blackhawkred
Assists30 - SCRAMBLEc_anderson
26 - Shootersspinner007
23 - Open Season #9bb_icetime
Points46 - SCRAMBLEc_anderson
41 - Shootersspinner007
37 - Open Season #9bb_icetime
Shots on Goal94 - END TIMESgga22271
79 - END TIMESgga22271
78 - Snipe and Cellyjohnboy1
Most Penalty Mins73 - BIG BEHN WILSON N THE KILLER RAT PATROLstevehanson
68 - Candy A$$esmnp77
67 - Cheap Tricksmoke33
PP Goals7 - Oakland Raiderskidsims
6 - HabFan3058therumourgod
6 - AAA Wild goodman_team
SH Goals4 - SAINT PETER TO MARIOnickneely
4 - Everybody Hates An Empirio-Criticvictim
4 - TEAM CANADA66lemieux
Faceoffs Won66 - Delta 1zero1940
64 - The Boss Manmpalco
62 - Guess What ? Chicken Buttprizinor12
Most Goals Allowed14 - Game On!rk2oo1
11 - Maybe this timervd110
10 - desert dogswinbruins
Saves89 - Toronto Maple Leafswhale18
76 - KizzleKizzle81
72 - Toronto Maple Leafswhale18

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