SLH : Available Leagues

Key: WW=Waiver Wire, ML=Minor League Players, MS=Minor League Skill Level (G=Great, VG=Very Good, AA=Above Average, A=Average, BA=Below Average), PI=Playoff Intensity, R=Relaxed Roster Requirements, T=Trades, MI=Maximum Simultaneous Injuries, S=Number of Seasons, RO=Remaining Openings
Available Public Theme Leagues
  League Founder Created Theme Name Theme Description Salary Cap WW ML MS PI R T MI S RO
 Privatetnuhnai674/16/2024RANDOM ROOKIE PROGRESSIVE LEAGUE 2SEASON 14105 milA2123
 Privatehockeyhead4/19/2024Two-Timing Progressive150 milBA8123
 NHL35496lostnfound744/18/2024$130m ThemeNo clones. Draft Gretzky OR Mario, not both. See classifieds for the rest130 mil-0116
 NHL35502chuckinrlp4/21/2024All OffenseForwards d rating 60 or less, d men 20 or less, and goalies save 88% or less. No clones please. Waiver wire on but be aware of the restrictions on positions.106 mil-2115
 NHL35449knightthorn3/12/2024$130 LeagueNo clones130 milA819
 PrivateGot_Worms4/24/2024Place of Birth120 mil-019
 Privatedamag4/20/2024RRFT LXXVI - 2007-2008League rules as per signup forum.75 milA216
 NHL35504mr_creasote4/23/20242023/2024 ROSTERS ONLYNEW ROSTERS ARE OUT! Only players from new 2023/2024 season allowed present day 88 mil cap no injuries PI off trades OK NO WW AVG MLERS88 milA014
 NHL35464pumped3/24/2024120M No 99 No 66No 99 No 66, anything else goes, no injuries No PI No shootouts No MLers120 mil-014

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