Record: 21-6 Conference: ODAC Coach: Sim AI Prestige: B- RPI: 70 SOS: 223
Division III - Emory, VA
Homecourt: D+
Home: 11-2 Away: 10-4
AVG 566
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Name Year Pos School Sn. GP Min Pts Reb Ast Blk Stl FGA FGM FG% 3PtA 3PtM 3Pt% FT%
1. Edward Williams C Emory and Henry 10-13 112 3459 1544 1062 46 193 83 1138 544 47.8 0 0 0.0 67.2
2. Gary Gamblin SG Emory and Henry 54-57 111 2649 1527 160 273 2 85 1216 491 40.4 950 356 37.5 74.7
3. Norbert Taylor PG Emory and Henry 50-53 113 3115 1523 236 329 3 162 1151 499 43.4 492 168 34.1 76.0
4. Jason Copeland PF Emory and Henry 10-13 107 3202 1502 766 24 125 92 1148 516 44.9 0 0 0.0 73.2
5. Mario Lopez SF Emory and Henry 18-21 110 3214 1461 411 118 33 90 1073 492 45.9 488 213 43.6 67.3
6. Steve Davis SG Emory and Henry 51-54 112 2916 1439 271 399 1 130 1125 483 42.9 748 294 39.3 70.5
7. Charles Nava PG Emory and Henry 42-45 109 2877 1398 105 388 0 129 1104 481 43.6 623 239 38.4 76.7
8. Joe Carter PG Emory and Henry 62-65 99 2207 1373 127 364 0 105 899 435 48.4 557 257 46.1 84.8
9. Jason Toman SG Emory and Henry 40-43 109 3092 1301 196 239 1 98 1052 425 40.4 829 315 38.0 76.4
10. Scott Berry SG Emory and Henry 22-25 112 2869 1288 133 239 8 100 987 404 40.9 721 274 38.0 66.2
11. Willie Ventimiglia C Emory and Henry 28-31 110 2984 1279 692 93 129 87 1109 517 46.6 4 0 0.0 60.5
12. Bernard Grant PG Emory and Henry 46-49 109 2916 1269 188 404 0 120 1024 413 40.3 625 232 37.1 76.4
13. Christopher Blanton SF Emory and Henry 101-104 121 2408 1268 285 124 14 114 952 429 45.1 485 197 40.6 72.0
14. Joshua Lord SG Emory and Henry 124-127 113 2253 1252 182 252 3 165 838 402 48.0 542 243 44.8 80.7
15. Kyle Kennedy SG Emory and Henry 78-81 110 2346 1243 266 216 2 121 898 400 44.5 656 277 42.2 71.6
16. Lawrence Janes C Emory and Henry 22-25 112 2751 1241 819 85 129 98 1013 434 42.8 1 0 0.0 67.5
17. Edwin Reuter SG Emory and Henry 58-61 112 2964 1239 158 426 2 117 968 406 41.9 458 154 33.6 74.2
18. Richard Smith PF Emory and Henry 22-25 112 2871 1233 775 81 65 97 956 433 45.3 116 33 28.4 69.9
19. William Custer C Emory and Henry 18-21 101 2863 1223 690 28 176 80 960 448 46.7 20 2 10.0 64.2
20. Paul Nord SG Emory and Henry 44-47 108 3227 1215 220 397 4 98 954 413 43.3 604 242 40.1 69.3
21. Michael Bradley SF Emory and Henry 32-35 108 2759 1212 499 116 53 98 976 430 44.1 580 222 38.3 66.0
22. Anthony Miller C Emory and Henry 2-5 115 2988 1208 912 35 112 165 916 437 47.7 5 0 0.0 68.3
23. Marshall Morrison SG Emory and Henry 32-35 108 2775 1185 388 256 39 60 944 393 41.6 640 240 37.5 70.7
24. Willard Kleiner SF Emory and Henry 27-30 110 2786 1176 446 150 25 81 1022 415 40.6 517 169 32.7 72.0
25. Doug Boone PG Emory and Henry 126-129 111 1949 1172 186 278 2 147 811 400 49.3 331 134 40.5 74.1
* Bolded players are currently active.
Minimum Requirements:
  • 300 FGA to qualify for FG%
  • 100 FG3A to qualify for 3Pt%
  • 200 FTA to qualify for FT%