Record: 0-0 Conference: USA South Coach: cbryant31 Prestige: A+ RPI: 0 SOS: 0
Division III - West Palm Beach, FL
Homecourt: C-
Home: 0-0 Away: 0-0
AVG 598
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Name Year Pos School Sn. GP Min Pts Reb Ast Blk Stl FGA FGM FG% 3PtA 3PtM 3Pt% FT%
1. Herbert Brenneman PG Palm Beach Atlantic 106-109 133 2902 2630 195 507 3 229 1885 845 44.8 1130 448 39.6 75.3
2. Sean Guinan PG Palm Beach Atlantic 102-105 129 2636 2491 177 398 2 219 1713 819 47.8 863 391 45.3 74.4
3. Liang Xie PG Palm Beach Atlantic 94-97 136 2525 2327 237 190 7 179 1698 762 44.9 1134 474 41.8 71.4
4. Derek Mueller PG Palm Beach Atlantic 140-143 121 2725 2168 102 304 4 113 1704 726 42.6 1232 497 40.3 66.0
5. Toni Koperski SG Palm Beach Atlantic 90-93 134 2452 2160 241 260 7 201 1436 676 47.1 956 431 45.1 77.1
6. Justin Sullivan PG Palm Beach Atlantic 98-101 134 3032 2109 202 452 5 276 1424 686 48.2 376 150 39.9 73.6
7. Robert Shook SG Palm Beach Atlantic 115-118 127 2422 2042 121 356 2 181 1394 647 46.4 915 410 44.8 75.1
8. Mark Behr SG Palm Beach Atlantic 121-124 129 3160 1952 149 301 5 119 1369 641 46.8 1088 491 45.1 74.3
9. Alfred Steiner PG Palm Beach Atlantic 145-148 125 2664 1917 132 242 2 220 1357 659 48.6 708 320 45.2 58.9
10. Jeffrey McGrotha PG Palm Beach Atlantic 111-114 126 2431 1817 132 432 0 195 1307 603 46.1 687 288 41.9 70.8
11. Michael King SF Palm Beach Atlantic 131-135 134 3440 1812 1041 52 128 114 1219 683 56.0 6 1 16.7 73.4
12. Max Beckwith SF Palm Beach Atlantic 103-106 132 2803 1809 445 141 41 169 1163 652 56.1 12 1 8.3 67.8
13. John Force SG Palm Beach Atlantic 76-79 133 2617 1766 463 190 21 253 1194 584 48.9 4 0 0.0 72.0
14. Todd Campbell C Palm Beach Atlantic 25-29 106 2887 1709 1091 41 228 64 1180 597 50.6 1 1 100.0 71.8
15. Joe Blakney PG Palm Beach Atlantic 90-93 134 1957 1654 168 278 2 156 1086 551 50.7 461 209 45.3 76.9
16. Eugene Moyle SG Palm Beach Atlantic 104-107 136 3033 1647 392 407 3 270 1164 537 46.1 432 151 35.0 75.1
17. Franklin Groover SG Palm Beach Atlantic 122-126 132 2649 1620 159 208 7 115 1082 538 49.7 799 387 48.4 66.0
18. Dallas Langdon PG Palm Beach Atlantic 78-81 134 2372 1598 138 298 3 214 1075 507 47.2 485 191 39.4 74.6
19. Robert Alderson C Palm Beach Atlantic 95-98 139 2241 1571 662 122 102 82 997 552 55.4 5 0 0.0 74.1
20. Jason Harrison SG Palm Beach Atlantic 147-150 132 2788 1554 247 294 9 211 1031 523 50.7 363 159 43.8 69.9
21. Terry Petway PG Palm Beach Atlantic 111-114 126 2474 1545 173 250 7 189 1129 523 46.3 352 127 36.1 67.0
22. Stanley Coello SG Palm Beach Atlantic 74-77 129 2411 1545 196 236 1 228 1039 476 45.8 313 109 34.8 75.0
23. Willie Richardson SG Palm Beach Atlantic 106-109 133 2286 1542 170 319 4 188 1058 501 47.4 557 224 40.2 76.7
24. Justin Farrer SF Palm Beach Atlantic 122-125 132 3151 1539 441 217 35 99 1039 513 49.4 738 348 47.2 73.0
25. Randy Aparicio SG Palm Beach Atlantic 74-77 129 2300 1531 280 148 6 181 1082 506 46.8 423 158 37.4 69.8
* Bolded players are currently active.
Minimum Requirements:
  • 300 FGA to qualify for FG%
  • 100 FG3A to qualify for 3Pt%
  • 200 FTA to qualify for FT%