Record: 0-0 Conference: Wisconsin Coach: TatePintens Prestige: A+ RPI: 0 SOS: 0
Division III - Stevens Point, WI
Homecourt: C-
Home: 0-0 Away: 0-0
AVG 595
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Name Year Pos School Sn. GP Min Pts Reb Ast Blk Stl FGA FGM FG% 3PtA 3PtM 3Pt% FT%
1. Todd Abbott PF Wisconsin, Stevens Point 44-47 113 3098 2021 618 150 104 50 1625 749 46.1 462 148 32.0 76.7
2. David Pinney SG Wisconsin, Stevens Point 125-128 121 2388 1908 221 255 4 178 1473 620 42.1 900 321 35.7 75.8
3. Sylvester Fossett PG Wisconsin, Stevens Point 47-50 101 2646 1691 115 436 4 116 1148 551 48.0 839 381 45.4 83.5
4. Joseph Espey SG Wisconsin, Stevens Point 56-59 115 2388 1678 134 222 2 79 1390 566 40.7 1005 375 37.3 67.1
5. Richard Bevers SG Wisconsin, Stevens Point 10-13 113 3432 1672 363 203 15 82 1231 529 43.0 946 394 41.6 68.3
6. Juan Towler C Wisconsin, Stevens Point 9-12 113 3251 1637 1056 85 143 112 1225 602 49.1 0 0 0.0 69.4
7. Marlon Peebles C Wisconsin, Stevens Point 5-8 119 3122 1573 1114 70 99 108 1341 602 44.9 2 0 0.0 54.6
8. Paul Norman SG Wisconsin, Stevens Point 128-132 121 2389 1570 487 313 2 221 1108 541 48.8 348 120 34.5 66.3
9. Erwin Thresher SG Wisconsin, Stevens Point 45-48 114 2771 1560 191 173 4 81 1240 512 41.3 1156 470 40.7 72.5
10. Walter Perdue PG Wisconsin, Stevens Point 48-51 116 2623 1559 168 414 5 127 1080 487 45.1 777 332 42.7 84.3
11. John Buell SG Wisconsin, Stevens Point 123-126 118 2435 1525 211 205 6 143 1193 494 41.4 959 364 38.0 69.2
12. Christopher Eagle SG Wisconsin, Stevens Point 70-73 116 2937 1524 278 270 6 171 1105 502 45.4 812 348 42.9 67.7
13. John Beverly SG Wisconsin, Stevens Point 10-13 113 3492 1510 173 185 18 100 1168 472 40.4 921 351 38.1 70.3
14. Randy Ivey PG Wisconsin, Stevens Point 50-54 117 2780 1508 128 300 1 110 1072 495 46.2 936 422 45.1 65.3
15. William Lyons SG Wisconsin, Stevens Point 137-141 121 2436 1507 247 360 6 160 1066 479 44.9 630 235 37.3 82.0
16. Daniel Slough C Wisconsin, Stevens Point 2-5 110 3022 1465 1224 54 135 97 1284 561 43.7 28 3 10.7 63.4
17. Francis Clothier PG Wisconsin, Stevens Point 125-129 122 2541 1452 425 424 5 176 1031 480 46.6 558 232 41.6 70.5
18. Mongo Alhusseini PG Wisconsin, Stevens Point 130-133 121 2312 1447 134 421 1 202 1130 466 41.2 702 244 34.8 69.5
19. John Crawford SF Wisconsin, Stevens Point 76-79 110 3055 1436 405 149 13 140 1077 509 47.3 384 139 36.2 66.1
20. Dave Peck C Wisconsin, Stevens Point 48-51 117 3024 1430 933 68 144 56 1097 559 51.0 6 1 16.7 73.3
21. Darryl Walker PG Wisconsin, Stevens Point 147-151 121 2684 1417 252 548 2 275 945 440 46.6 229 83 36.2 71.4
22. Richard Pierce PG Wisconsin, Stevens Point 136-140 119 2078 1410 453 323 21 143 913 499 54.7 8 1 12.5 79.8
23. Thomas Whyte PG Wisconsin, Stevens Point 40-43 108 3091 1395 473 349 15 160 1066 490 46.0 484 185 38.2 72.6
24. Mike Smock PG Wisconsin, Stevens Point 138-142 123 2494 1386 388 357 20 213 945 449 47.5 361 137 38.0 74.5
25. Herman Brown SG Wisconsin, Stevens Point 117-120 114 2503 1365 278 260 0 101 924 454 49.1 602 270 44.9 75.1
* Bolded players are currently active.
Minimum Requirements:
  • 300 FGA to qualify for FG%
  • 100 FG3A to qualify for 3Pt%
  • 200 FTA to qualify for FT%