Record: 0-0 Conference: University Coach: ThaGrant1 Prestige: B+ RPI: 0 SOS: 0
Division III - Tuscaloosa, AL
Homecourt: D+
Home: 0-0 Away: 0-0
AVG 572
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Name Year Pos School Sn. GP Min Pts Reb Ast Blk Stl FGA FGM FG% 3PtA 3PtM 3Pt% FT%
1. Lance Strawn SG Stillman 148-151 117 2760 2039 234 258 4 112 1431 652 45.6 1103 487 44.2 76.3
2. James Honeycutt SG Stillman 26-30 117 2675 1859 173 255 1 128 1225 580 47.3 753 319 42.4 75.2
3. Philip Hershey PF Stillman 8-11 109 3120 1606 862 157 115 99 1216 583 47.9 25 6 24.0 67.7
4. Trevor Smith SG Stillman 146-149 111 2147 1553 214 183 4 78 1216 512 42.1 952 390 41.0 67.5
5. Peter Filson C Stillman 13-16 114 3399 1538 1072 43 114 153 1075 567 52.7 7 1 14.3 72.0
6. Roger Cook PG Stillman 148-151 117 2904 1524 178 492 0 155 1125 552 49.1 180 67 37.2 65.4
7. Lyman Goldblatt C Stillman 10-13 109 2966 1497 960 32 129 109 1137 566 49.8 0 0 0.0 59.9
8. Robert Moore SG Stillman 14-17 107 3426 1482 172 331 8 86 1118 492 44.0 651 259 39.8 66.0
9. James Nelson PF Stillman 20-23 114 2929 1471 939 2 154 86 1134 546 48.1 82 21 25.6 69.5
10. David Smith SG Stillman 43-46 110 2078 1464 130 180 3 73 987 495 50.2 524 237 45.2 75.5
11. Richard Law PG Stillman 142-145 115 2801 1460 170 392 3 132 1109 449 40.5 526 187 35.6 78.6
12. Carroll Maxwell PG Stillman 49-52 111 2813 1448 181 346 2 146 1089 451 41.4 775 294 37.9 71.6
13. Russell Robson C Stillman 29-33 116 2712 1432 852 24 120 66 1114 548 49.2 6 0 0.0 68.9
14. Joshua Carroll C Stillman 25-28 118 2763 1414 987 10 210 80 1022 506 49.5 1 0 0.0 57.3
15. John Wardell SG Stillman 145-148 110 2015 1395 141 125 7 75 1087 461 42.4 766 307 40.1 70.9
16. Elbert Caputo SG Stillman 131-134 108 3014 1393 256 282 5 128 1241 460 37.1 983 333 33.9 67.0
17. Arthur Ricketts SF Stillman 19-22 111 2651 1376 587 106 45 78 993 455 45.8 394 144 36.5 69.8
18. Steven Fuller SG Stillman 64-67 112 2900 1367 237 246 8 78 1043 456 43.7 832 355 42.7 74.6
19. John Weston C Stillman 27-30 117 2856 1356 968 53 153 71 1056 532 50.4 0 0 0.0 64.2
20. Lionel Harris PG Stillman 106-109 124 2907 1345 307 495 2 153 996 467 46.9 309 104 33.7 72.9
21. Victor Harrison SF Stillman 15-18 114 3525 1325 490 233 28 143 1025 465 45.4 520 203 39.0 59.4
22. William McGrath SF Stillman 41-44 111 2632 1317 453 131 31 94 1066 471 44.2 526 199 37.8 63.8
23. James Stevens C Stillman 17-20 109 2837 1312 972 66 134 44 919 523 56.9 11 1 9.1 51.9
24. Sidney Walsh PG Stillman 24-28 106 2212 1285 282 316 31 90 847 402 47.5 17 5 29.4 83.8
25. Harley Sklar SF Stillman 27-30 117 2891 1267 471 173 65 117 958 474 49.5 248 92 37.1 62.5
* Bolded players are currently active.
Minimum Requirements:
  • 300 FGA to qualify for FG%
  • 100 FG3A to qualify for 3Pt%
  • 200 FTA to qualify for FT%