Record: 0-0 Conference: University Coach: zemedlin Prestige: A+ RPI: 0 SOS: 0
Division III - Atlanta, GA
Homecourt: C-
Home: 0-0 Away: 0-0
AVG 578
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Name Year Pos School Sn. GP Min Pts Reb Ast Blk Stl FGA FGM FG% 3PtA 3PtM 3Pt% FT%
1. Robert Springer PG Emory 148-151 135 2725 2071 246 318 1 229 1382 673 48.7 531 224 42.2 80.8
2. Boyd Willingham SG Emory 119-122 125 2621 1920 110 298 2 153 1401 618 44.1 1289 540 41.9 70.9
3. George Ethier PG Emory 97-101 125 2706 1874 226 346 2 184 1304 619 47.5 1056 468 44.3 71.2
4. Gregory Helton SG Emory 133-136 121 2389 1852 246 272 10 170 1290 600 46.5 924 411 44.5 76.3
5. Charles Bennett SF Emory 88-91 120 2214 1825 151 171 2 135 1327 584 44.0 1204 507 42.1 76.1
6. Walter Hess PG Emory 124-128 121 2342 1716 156 356 3 182 1214 566 46.6 802 354 44.1 67.4
7. David Parker SG Emory 77-80 118 2365 1707 171 257 2 135 1265 582 46.0 755 317 42.0 68.3
8. John Lewis PG Emory 142-146 129 2598 1639 146 322 6 135 1215 548 45.1 610 238 39.0 73.0
9. Lloyd Hallam SG Emory 108-112 129 2292 1631 112 191 3 146 1151 519 45.1 987 420 42.6 75.2
10. Danny Wormley SG Emory 102-105 105 2041 1582 195 172 10 155 996 506 50.8 6 1 16.7 79.1
11. James Rhodes SF Emory 103-106 132 2202 1554 245 223 8 169 1050 485 46.2 549 243 44.3 69.6
12. Alan Morrisey SF Emory 124-127 121 2603 1549 357 246 35 121 1069 530 49.6 243 98 40.3 79.1
13. Philip Boney C Emory 7-11 121 2859 1548 877 46 73 95 1124 556 49.5 4 1 25.0 66.8
14. Glenn Darwin SF Emory 115-118 119 2165 1542 289 232 11 142 1046 505 48.3 591 267 45.2 75.5
15. Zachary Budd PG Emory 96-99 130 2732 1519 149 251 7 157 1081 477 44.1 684 273 39.9 78.7
16. Tony Nathanson SG Emory 40-43 114 3441 1514 383 326 10 140 1169 508 43.5 904 362 40.0 72.0
17. Lawrence Pick SG Emory 148-151 135 2508 1503 137 221 5 141 1106 479 43.3 857 347 40.5 75.6
18. Jonathan Davis SF Emory 94-97 132 2819 1498 429 276 22 170 1032 515 49.9 114 48 42.1 69.1
19. Matthew Bass C Emory 5-8 119 3134 1489 1126 32 84 100 1329 545 41.0 0 0 0.0 72.0
20. James Engleberg PG Emory 109-113 128 2295 1487 199 310 0 199 853 479 56.2 5 0 0.0 81.9
21. David Swartz SG Emory 16-19 115 2782 1470 272 265 12 72 1070 448 41.9 773 313 40.5 76.8
22. Doyle Smith PG Emory 107-111 118 2589 1457 281 432 2 166 994 504 50.7 6 0 0.0 67.7
23. Otis Ruddell PG Emory 111-114 127 2550 1451 256 213 6 159 984 477 48.5 102 31 30.4 76.3
24. Victor Spires PG Emory 138-142 132 2239 1420 191 271 2 168 977 478 48.9 58 17 29.3 71.5
25. Philip Swartz SG Emory 92-95 126 2255 1410 123 202 10 130 952 451 47.4 725 335 46.2 71.2
* Bolded players are currently active.
Minimum Requirements:
  • 300 FGA to qualify for FG%
  • 100 FG3A to qualify for 3Pt%
  • 200 FTA to qualify for FT%