Record: 0-0 Conference: Skyline Coach: Sim AI Prestige: C- RPI: 0 SOS: 0
Division III - Farmingdale, NY
Homecourt: D
Home: 0-0 Away: 0-0
AVG 507
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Name Year Pos School Sn. GP Min Pts Reb Ast Blk Stl FGA FGM FG% 3PtA 3PtM 3Pt% FT%
1. William Molloy PF SUNY, Farmingdale 17-20 119 2940 1670 1071 87 148 97 1048 560 53.4 1 0 0.0 84.4
2. Daniel Yoder SG SUNY, Farmingdale 76-79 110 2841 1603 171 272 0 123 1005 496 49.4 784 378 48.2 85.7
3. Lawrence Caston SG SUNY, Farmingdale 49-52 114 2848 1475 154 229 3 95 1086 492 45.3 837 377 45.0 73.1
4. Charles Davis PF SUNY, Farmingdale 3-6 121 3341 1446 1026 123 91 102 1084 526 48.5 22 3 13.6 72.1
5. Matthew Yang SG SUNY, Farmingdale 72-75 114 2735 1436 142 349 7 103 996 478 48.0 691 326 47.2 69.4
6. John Jefcoat C SUNY, Farmingdale 13-16 117 3027 1425 1023 122 142 133 1004 482 48.0 0 0 0.0 74.2
7. Herbert Potter C SUNY, Farmingdale 9-13 119 3015 1333 952 101 117 110 956 441 46.1 0 0 0.0 77.8
8. Steven Freshour C SUNY, Farmingdale 24-27 119 2500 1309 844 17 188 98 904 463 51.2 1 0 0.0 67.4
9. Lon Scott SG SUNY, Farmingdale 24-28 118 2690 1282 255 361 33 108 909 383 42.1 603 232 38.5 73.2
10. Ernest Johnson C SUNY, Farmingdale 20-23 117 2487 1281 822 78 134 82 927 466 50.3 1 0 0.0 67.8
11. Russell McCrain SG SUNY, Farmingdale 54-57 111 2226 1267 105 110 9 89 873 410 47.0 633 275 43.4 78.9
12. Alex Reiber SF SUNY, Farmingdale 106-109 112 2803 1265 448 102 25 104 928 438 47.2 238 76 31.9 73.1
13. Ryan Jackson SG SUNY, Farmingdale 130-133 115 2381 1262 218 216 2 96 893 426 47.7 685 320 46.7 57.7
14. Bernard Lamb SF SUNY, Farmingdale 37-40 109 2981 1251 334 161 17 132 1099 457 41.6 558 181 32.4 68.7
15. Justin Gama PF SUNY, Farmingdale 3-6 123 3477 1250 824 111 90 79 924 399 43.2 24 4 16.7 88.0
16. Samuel Sholes PG SUNY, Farmingdale 133-136 112 2524 1212 117 365 0 115 879 400 45.5 439 179 40.8 71.9
17. Alfred Gans PF SUNY, Farmingdale 14-17 113 2724 1211 756 53 51 117 749 396 52.9 0 0 0.0 81.0
18. Gary Classen SF SUNY, Farmingdale 58-61 112 3008 1206 211 350 2 110 901 397 44.1 559 220 39.4 74.1
19. Norman Trejo PG SUNY, Farmingdale 141-144 116 2425 1202 188 386 0 108 740 377 50.9 261 111 42.5 78.7
20. Eugene Nunez C SUNY, Farmingdale 7-10 131 2845 1199 1101 72 162 115 901 428 47.5 0 0 0.0 76.9
21. Aaron Sisco SF SUNY, Farmingdale 44-47 114 2622 1198 430 147 36 101 748 430 57.5 23 5 21.7 71.9
22. Robert Roy SF SUNY, Farmingdale 62-65 110 2680 1197 444 192 35 109 989 432 43.7 405 125 30.9 69.6
23. Matthew Kacynski SG SUNY, Farmingdale 15-18 116 3180 1193 170 304 6 86 893 388 43.4 416 164 39.4 72.5
24. Ellis McClory SF SUNY, Farmingdale 88-91 114 2581 1184 210 139 17 87 898 410 45.7 304 114 37.5 67.9
25. Newton King C SUNY, Farmingdale 6-9 132 2788 1184 830 51 103 109 804 391 48.6 0 0 0.0 91.0
* Bolded players are currently active.
Minimum Requirements:
  • 300 FGA to qualify for FG%
  • 100 FG3A to qualify for 3Pt%
  • 200 FTA to qualify for FT%