Record: 0-0 Conference: St. Louis Coach: Sim AI Prestige: C- RPI: 0 SOS: 0
Division III - Lisle, IL
Homecourt: D
Home: 0-0 Away: 0-0
AVG 469
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Name Year Pos School Sn. GP Min Pts Reb Ast Blk Stl FGA FGM FG% 3PtA 3PtM 3Pt% FT%
1. David Lesperance SG Benedictine 28-32 124 2775 1824 163 357 10 91 1259 579 46.0 1018 448 44.0 73.6
2. Bobby Boswell PF Benedictine 18-21 109 2723 1752 746 38 112 113 1325 591 44.6 159 33 20.8 68.8
3. Gregory Schramm C Benedictine 24-27 116 2627 1582 881 68 146 78 1081 537 49.7 0 0 0.0 70.5
4. Lowell Pike SG Benedictine 8-11 110 3051 1540 357 298 20 75 1215 489 40.2 797 286 35.9 69.5
5. Arthur Moore SF Benedictine 20-23 108 2668 1461 262 18 16 51 1018 458 45.0 590 262 44.4 70.9
6. Kyle Lizarraga PG Benedictine 62-65 112 3048 1458 236 512 1 159 1113 479 43.0 778 304 39.1 81.3
7. Paul Anderson PG Benedictine 14-17 114 3688 1426 52 528 3 83 1061 455 42.9 551 215 39.0 74.9
8. Mickey Boulware PG Benedictine 85-88 117 2808 1420 185 354 1 109 1139 499 43.8 676 266 39.3 66.7
9. Joshua Smith C Benedictine 44-47 116 2544 1417 975 40 171 61 1044 553 53.0 4 0 0.0 68.7
10. Jeffery Bowen PF Benedictine 30-33 124 2583 1415 711 37 102 90 1004 526 52.4 0 0 0.0 66.4
11. Carl Heywood PG Benedictine 82-85 114 3128 1356 98 538 5 134 1002 451 45.0 657 275 41.9 68.3
12. Harold Perlstein SF Benedictine 62-65 112 3192 1349 387 232 25 124 1074 478 44.5 250 63 25.2 80.1
13. Benjamin Morris SG Benedictine 103-106 110 2214 1330 158 184 0 121 892 435 48.8 685 321 46.9 69.8
14. James Thomas SG Benedictine 7-10 110 2971 1308 319 341 4 79 1100 446 40.5 534 168 31.5 64.8
15. Robert Gillen PF Benedictine 83-86 115 2953 1304 807 140 124 78 993 519 52.3 100 22 22.0 69.1
16. Eugene Kelley C Benedictine 14-17 114 2371 1296 733 38 90 63 935 485 51.9 11 0 0.0 66.0
17. Clay Heath SG Benedictine 48-51 112 2521 1274 152 158 1 101 959 412 43.0 856 359 41.9 76.5
18. Carlos Walsh SG Benedictine 93-95 91 2270 1258 160 179 4 88 918 419 45.6 659 275 41.7 72.1
19. Nicholas Brown C Benedictine 15-18 113 2447 1245 798 11 103 71 964 431 44.7 96 24 25.0 69.4
20. Gregg Cash PG Benedictine 78-81 117 2971 1237 145 333 1 127 855 380 44.4 589 232 39.4 76.1
21. James Jackson C Benedictine 45-48 113 2411 1226 650 55 76 71 898 474 52.8 64 19 29.7 66.2
22. Oscar Hudson SG Benedictine 22-25 101 2294 1209 116 258 16 72 814 367 45.1 645 273 42.3 71.9
23. Herbert Reed SF Benedictine 22-25 113 2188 1206 322 63 44 67 789 370 46.9 448 195 43.5 71.7
24. Manuel Garica PF Benedictine 40-43 116 2924 1203 691 137 108 93 1043 433 41.5 568 204 35.9 59.1
25. Alex Boyd PF Benedictine 22-25 114 2051 1196 714 12 120 65 827 423 51.1 8 2 25.0 71.8
* Bolded players are currently active.
Minimum Requirements:
  • 300 FGA to qualify for FG%
  • 100 FG3A to qualify for 3Pt%
  • 200 FTA to qualify for FT%