Record: 0-0 Conference: ODAC Coach: Maheym Prestige: C+ RPI: 0 SOS: 0
Division III - Emory, VA
Homecourt: D+
Home: 0-0 Away: 0-0
AVG 593
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Name Year Pos School Sn. GP Min Pts Reb Ast Blk Stl FGA FGM FG% 3PtA 3PtM 3Pt% FT%
1. Andre Font C Emory and Henry 2-5 119 3713 1736 1151 79 67 100 1287 610 47.4 40 11 27.5 71.9
2. Michael Powell PG Emory and Henry 110-114 131 2495 1614 144 267 5 191 1102 528 47.9 772 340 44.0 72.7
3. Sean Dennie PG Emory and Henry 78-81 117 2170 1566 232 261 1 191 1092 539 49.4 70 17 24.3 71.4
4. Gary Holloman PG Emory and Henry 145-148 113 2270 1539 99 382 0 171 1164 504 43.3 937 392 41.8 66.8
5. David Wagner SG Emory and Henry 114-117 96 2125 1500 300 172 22 111 1061 482 45.4 711 311 43.7 73.1
6. Earl Forst PG Emory and Henry 110-113 131 2379 1473 217 351 3 166 1030 498 48.3 642 291 45.3 67.9
7. Thomas Jerez PG Emory and Henry 67-70 111 2721 1428 213 417 0 246 1001 454 45.4 646 249 38.5 75.9
8. Wesley Wolfgram SG Emory and Henry 114-117 127 2421 1374 205 318 5 163 956 448 46.9 266 99 37.2 73.7
9. Arthur Dewey PG Emory and Henry 83-86 127 2073 1368 200 279 2 182 909 414 45.5 350 133 38.0 76.4
10. Lloyd Ewing PG Emory and Henry 110-113 131 2763 1360 147 639 2 193 948 468 49.4 345 138 40.0 71.0
11. Steve Appell SF Emory and Henry 126-129 117 2345 1308 258 60 15 99 947 450 47.5 384 150 39.1 77.2
12. Alonso Baker PF Emory and Henry 5-8 117 3198 1284 1025 159 128 135 1128 489 43.4 16 1 6.3 51.5
13. Kenneth Harvey SG Emory and Henry 106-109 119 2438 1284 125 229 1 144 934 419 44.9 715 301 42.1 75.5
14. Porter Ramsey PF Emory and Henry 13-16 105 3006 1260 766 102 61 147 1027 499 48.6 35 9 25.7 52.0
15. Jesse Dixon C Emory and Henry 29-33 122 2619 1259 711 61 97 152 1017 480 47.2 0 0 0.0 71.0
16. Alberto Escobar PG Emory and Henry 118-121 128 2701 1249 185 420 1 215 820 405 49.4 374 157 42.0 76.8
17. Terry Brakebill SG Emory and Henry 115-119 127 2313 1228 110 413 4 151 871 392 45.0 657 282 42.9 74.0
18. Clarence Jones PG Emory and Henry 63-66 109 2286 1225 117 318 0 158 839 392 46.7 553 229 41.4 74.9
19. Sean Kuebler SF Emory and Henry 13-16 109 3352 1200 486 108 18 87 1131 434 38.4 569 182 32.0 47.9
20. Joseph Joyce SG Emory and Henry 148-151 116 2160 1185 138 233 2 102 848 393 46.3 704 312 44.3 68.0
21. Marvin Woolverton SG Emory and Henry 12-15 113 3280 1184 100 276 5 142 961 393 40.9 689 257 37.3 61.6
22. Steven Tedesco PF Emory and Henry 119-122 128 2611 1180 651 121 61 91 847 436 51.5 27 7 25.9 69.4
23. Randy Tomlin PF Emory and Henry 77-80 113 1800 1178 415 84 46 85 857 438 51.1 21 3 14.3 67.8
24. Todd Moskowitz SG Emory and Henry 9-12 115 3062 1170 93 256 10 76 915 371 40.5 639 236 36.9 58.5
25. Harold Guess PG Emory and Henry 82-85 122 2124 1170 253 269 1 185 817 373 45.7 267 90 33.7 78.8
* Bolded players are currently active.
Minimum Requirements:
  • 300 FGA to qualify for FG%
  • 100 FG3A to qualify for 3Pt%
  • 200 FTA to qualify for FT%