Record: 0-0 Conference: Michigan Coach: Sim AI Prestige: B+ RPI: 0 SOS: 0
Division III - Holland, MI
Homecourt: D
Home: 0-0 Away: 0-0
AVG 531
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Name Year Pos School Sn. GP Min Pts Reb Ast Blk Stl FGA FGM FG% 3PtA 3PtM 3Pt% FT%
1. Donald Maier PF Hope 145-148 120 3413 1771 851 83 161 116 1331 702 52.7 26 5 19.2 60.1
2. Christopher Montgomery PF Hope 51-54 115 3399 1645 1025 93 115 91 1343 648 48.3 14 3 21.4 68.1
3. Daniel Hardeman SG Hope 145-148 120 2705 1609 179 272 1 129 1161 492 42.4 804 322 40.0 78.1
4. Bryan McGrogan PG Hope 146-149 121 3345 1562 225 428 2 163 1158 491 42.4 564 186 33.0 85.3
5. Ronnie Turner C Hope 15-18 111 3205 1555 1080 96 146 66 1045 541 51.8 2 1 50.0 64.5
6. Willy Dow SG Hope 18-21 110 3196 1543 228 184 11 118 1130 501 44.3 781 327 41.9 61.3
7. Reginald Goodman PG Hope 46-49 112 2943 1528 76 442 0 92 1197 506 42.3 1023 426 41.6 75.6
8. Jack Brown SG Hope 39-42 113 3099 1475 464 256 22 158 1092 497 45.5 528 195 36.9 75.5
9. James Long SG Hope 113-116 118 2425 1461 158 314 1 96 973 464 47.7 786 360 45.8 73.0
10. John Falcon SG Hope 138-141 109 2738 1432 163 157 1 112 1003 482 48.1 518 213 41.1 66.9
11. George Jennings SG Hope 26-29 110 3357 1402 129 214 0 90 1145 449 39.2 918 332 36.2 64.2
12. Kevin Brown PF Hope 20-23 102 2622 1351 1072 66 139 71 1274 507 39.8 10 3 30.0 56.9
13. Daniel Derr SG Hope 56-59 113 2627 1324 237 265 2 90 943 422 44.8 668 280 41.9 73.3
14. Erik Lumsden SG Hope 89-92 111 2987 1311 246 175 2 113 1004 443 44.1 599 236 39.4 74.4
15. Richard Grubbs PG Hope 29-32 111 3080 1295 348 314 28 168 923 473 51.2 412 165 40.0 67.4
16. Morgan Smith SF Hope 18-21 110 2731 1287 300 172 16 80 924 411 44.5 691 304 44.0 62.6
17. Mitchell Louis SF Hope 68-71 108 2832 1253 379 138 31 104 1039 469 45.1 379 135 35.6 62.5
18. Edward Graff C Hope 31-34 112 2757 1251 614 39 136 65 993 493 49.6 26 1 3.8 72.3
19. Robert Cutrer C Hope 146-149 121 3630 1244 1041 160 160 107 885 479 54.1 6 0 0.0 68.1
20. Thomas Hake PG Hope 82-85 111 3027 1238 238 480 2 145 914 400 43.8 649 263 40.5 70.9
21. Albert Kelly SF Hope 15-18 98 2787 1218 292 35 49 86 904 398 44.0 501 195 38.9 69.4
22. Larry Holt SG Hope 81-84 83 2113 1196 163 152 7 94 876 416 47.5 520 228 43.8 69.7
23. Lyle Wood PF Hope 14-17 111 3065 1189 1019 79 125 105 910 442 48.6 16 2 12.5 64.1
24. Alvin Lusher SG Hope 22-25 95 2579 1184 399 71 15 70 1192 453 38.0 0 0 0.0 57.4
25. Douglas Wolfe SG Hope 81-84 111 2468 1176 170 284 3 84 854 382 44.7 666 289 43.4 68.3
* Bolded players are currently active.
Minimum Requirements:
  • 300 FGA to qualify for FG%
  • 100 FG3A to qualify for 3Pt%
  • 200 FTA to qualify for FT%