Record: 0-0 Conference: Heartland Coach: Sim AI Prestige: C- RPI: 0 SOS: 0
Division III - Crestview Hills, KY
Homecourt: D
Home: 0-0 Away: 0-0
AVG 515
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Name Year Pos School Sn. GP Min Pts Reb Ast Blk Stl FGA FGM FG% 3PtA 3PtM 3Pt% FT%
1. Dustin Kirkpatrick PG Thomas More 105-109 125 3108 2689 229 498 6 194 1760 880 50.0 1367 649 47.5 70.7
2. Walter James PG Thomas More 98-102 120 2425 1732 238 337 7 137 1151 561 48.7 615 276 44.9 75.7
3. Ronald Norsworthy SF Thomas More 103-107 126 2771 1693 357 212 37 92 1166 551 47.3 938 443 47.2 79.6
4. William Palmer SG Thomas More 127-130 111 2622 1580 250 431 1 132 1227 521 42.5 704 270 38.4 79.8
5. John Snider SG Thomas More 71-74 110 2758 1517 272 243 5 108 1148 520 45.3 855 363 42.5 62.0
6. Tony Cusumano SG Thomas More 109-112 122 2573 1516 144 348 3 130 1005 527 52.4 594 294 49.5 63.4
7. Terry Kitchens C Thomas More 53-57 113 3033 1481 930 55 126 83 1175 564 48.0 91 17 18.7 65.6
8. Reggie Smith SG Thomas More 141-144 115 2979 1479 238 436 0 131 1006 473 47.0 799 362 45.3 72.8
9. Larry Leith PG Thomas More 76-79 114 2595 1464 86 408 3 98 1026 487 47.5 773 350 45.3 69.0
10. Hal Barnett PG Thomas More 103-106 125 2927 1456 168 545 5 147 1008 474 47.0 488 199 40.8 70.4
11. Vince McCully PG Thomas More 111-114 114 2526 1431 89 399 2 147 988 478 48.4 504 224 44.4 74.3
12. Roger Kellogg SG Thomas More 98-101 119 2523 1361 227 360 4 115 980 459 46.8 466 183 39.3 69.5
13. Vernon Taylor SG Thomas More 91-95 124 2381 1355 252 254 2 92 872 444 50.9 721 356 49.4 70.7
14. James Hubbard SF Thomas More 26-29 113 3141 1353 542 160 37 82 1181 473 40.1 539 184 34.1 61.1
15. James Rozenberg SF Thomas More 143-146 115 2291 1346 337 158 23 90 937 456 48.7 374 145 38.8 77.1
16. Howard Watkins SG Thomas More 83-86 112 3005 1342 112 345 3 101 971 435 44.8 653 274 42.0 73.1
17. Bradley Norris SG Thomas More 2-5 111 2573 1326 236 260 8 80 1064 433 40.7 749 290 38.7 71.7
18. Norman Cope PF Thomas More 5-8 111 2486 1316 716 7 64 73 1018 505 49.6 2 0 0.0 60.6
19. Michael Haskell SF Thomas More 93-96 121 2391 1291 292 228 31 98 953 445 46.7 549 234 42.6 67.6
20. John Pugh SF Thomas More 49-52 112 2672 1278 402 126 34 112 958 449 46.9 366 138 37.7 71.6
21. Tracy Griffin SF Thomas More 89-92 119 2837 1267 472 210 62 95 900 438 48.7 414 169 40.8 77.4
22. Philip McClenningham PG Thomas More 123-126 111 2317 1257 116 385 1 115 910 423 46.5 416 176 42.3 72.3
23. Curtis Derose SG Thomas More 78-81 113 2455 1243 241 254 5 88 890 415 46.6 744 330 44.4 61.5
24. Howard Hill SF Thomas More 44-47 109 2881 1238 334 209 18 98 939 432 46.0 341 121 35.5 74.2
25. Gary Lizarraga SG Thomas More 47-50 110 2879 1227 171 288 2 112 967 422 43.6 319 100 31.3 73.5
* Bolded players are currently active.
Minimum Requirements:
  • 300 FGA to qualify for FG%
  • 100 FG3A to qualify for 3Pt%
  • 200 FTA to qualify for FT%