Record: 0-0 Conference: Coast Coach: Sim AI Prestige: C+ RPI: 0 SOS: 0
Division III - Beverly, MA
Homecourt: D
Home: 0-0 Away: 0-0
AVG 485
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Name Year Pos School Sn. GP Min Pts Reb Ast Blk Stl FGA FGM FG% 3PtA 3PtM 3Pt% FT%
1. Jacob Smith PF Endicott 27-30 117 3202 1790 929 74 155 97 1357 683 50.3 29 8 27.6 60.8
2. Bruce Clopton PF Endicott 7-10 123 2876 1631 1136 143 178 91 1089 572 52.5 18 3 16.7 78.2
3. Daniel Reed PF Endicott 10-13 126 2980 1562 1166 113 177 123 1075 577 53.7 15 1 6.7 69.3
4. Mark O'Connor C Endicott 29-33 122 2813 1521 831 17 193 51 1066 552 51.8 2 0 0.0 74.9
5. Richard Morrison C Endicott 14-17 120 2921 1517 953 72 147 123 1032 548 53.1 0 0 0.0 70.5
6. Anthony Fleming SG Endicott 59-62 109 2922 1476 100 345 6 83 1065 475 44.6 862 380 44.1 76.0
7. Daniel Cunniff PG Endicott 39-42 111 2939 1473 170 378 14 77 1096 488 44.5 758 310 40.9 71.9
8. Tommy Reyes SF Endicott 3-6 120 3001 1445 734 145 6 117 1153 534 46.3 204 69 33.8 56.6
9. Kenneth Dodson SG Endicott 6-9 123 3207 1413 163 175 7 115 1048 449 42.8 641 255 39.8 76.7
10. George Denson SG Endicott 11-14 123 3291 1405 133 333 12 87 920 411 44.7 723 304 42.0 84.5
11. Allen Jones PG Endicott 45-48 108 2889 1405 113 287 1 104 953 465 48.8 731 344 47.1 64.5
12. Jason Monnier C Endicott 27-31 120 2491 1404 823 44 70 50 895 486 54.3 0 0 0.0 82.0
13. Albert Nold C Endicott 17-20 122 2716 1394 920 58 120 118 878 481 54.8 4 1 25.0 74.3
14. Wayne White C Endicott 4-7 123 2586 1329 977 68 88 116 1060 501 47.3 6 3 50.0 64.4
15. Kevin Smith SG Endicott 29-32 121 3181 1302 205 395 27 90 910 392 43.1 751 304 40.5 84.9
16. Bill Rickman SF Endicott 135-138 111 2404 1299 329 167 11 137 946 439 46.4 362 134 37.0 75.1
17. Philip Munsey C Endicott 3-6 120 3004 1293 943 53 49 133 1129 509 45.1 6 1 16.7 57.0
18. Richard Draper C Endicott 14-17 121 2677 1286 887 95 153 120 831 462 55.6 10 3 30.0 75.7
19. Harley Deleon PG Endicott 108-111 118 1991 1238 106 292 0 154 788 395 50.1 300 131 43.7 84.8
20. Francis Girton PF Endicott 56-59 109 3025 1203 945 76 138 95 945 464 49.1 189 44 23.3 62.1
21. Paul Cribbs SG Endicott 121-124 111 2395 1202 169 218 0 186 859 390 45.4 387 142 36.7 72.7
22. Harvey Cook PF Endicott 28-32 121 2418 1199 729 20 119 56 892 432 48.4 88 27 30.7 73.2
23. Bruce Loucks PG Endicott 3-6 119 3193 1196 255 325 2 175 874 395 45.2 311 141 45.3 66.4
24. Richard Moody PG Endicott 49-52 111 3207 1155 99 479 6 113 875 379 43.3 559 217 38.8 70.6
25. Joshua Reed SG Endicott 113-116 117 2540 1149 161 245 1 206 827 358 43.3 324 99 30.6 78.8
* Bolded players are currently active.
Minimum Requirements:
  • 300 FGA to qualify for FG%
  • 100 FG3A to qualify for 3Pt%
  • 200 FTA to qualify for FT%