Record: 0-0 Conference: N.American Coach: Sim AI Prestige: D+ RPI: 0 SOS: 0
Division II - Tiffin, OH
Homecourt: C-
Home: 0-0 Away: 0-0
AVG 565
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Name Year Pos School Sn. GP Min Pts Reb Ast Blk Stl FGA FGM FG% 3PtA 3PtM 3Pt% FT%
1. Clifford Taylor PG Tiffin 105-108 133 3071 2631 153 513 3 146 1725 883 51.2 1078 520 48.2 74.5
2. Kenneth Leonhardt SG Tiffin 32-35 117 2540 2367 221 145 33 118 1698 777 45.8 1240 530 42.7 68.0
3. Hai Wang PG Tiffin 90-93 129 2873 2145 121 520 2 126 1466 715 48.8 868 408 47.0 72.2
4. Vincent Bothwell SG Tiffin 100-104 133 2916 2070 496 172 33 118 1457 699 48.0 549 208 37.9 80.3
5. Devin Smith SG Tiffin 31-35 117 2330 1824 197 105 5 76 1280 590 46.1 905 394 43.5 79.1
6. Melvin Harrison PG Tiffin 94-97 131 2308 1748 155 412 4 107 1141 573 50.2 603 285 47.3 73.5
7. Michael Serpa PG Tiffin 93-96 130 2624 1665 146 456 0 118 1175 545 46.4 660 281 42.6 74.6
8. Daren Smith SG Tiffin 28-31 118 3189 1646 157 425 8 102 1230 528 42.9 940 391 41.6 67.0
9. Stephen Lillibridge C Tiffin 11-14 121 3021 1589 979 55 163 129 1172 577 49.2 0 0 0.0 64.8
10. Douglas Poli PG Tiffin 97-100 129 2609 1575 156 509 2 130 1005 492 49.0 771 353 45.8 80.4
11. Jason Brown PG Tiffin 101-104 133 2509 1555 164 449 2 100 1044 511 48.9 614 280 45.6 73.5
12. Ronald Kelly SG Tiffin 78-81 126 2593 1526 212 225 0 102 1107 473 42.7 779 313 40.2 80.4
13. William Cork SG Tiffin 76-80 129 2915 1503 155 375 2 129 1117 501 44.9 651 258 39.6 65.5
14. Thomas Swart PG Tiffin 93-96 130 2703 1498 204 367 1 116 950 483 50.8 485 218 44.9 74.9
15. Manuel Brooks PG Tiffin 87-90 129 2225 1494 199 343 3 113 1024 475 46.4 608 260 42.8 74.3
16. Hubert Spieker PG Tiffin 102-105 131 2768 1482 243 379 2 139 1048 499 47.6 460 187 40.7 70.9
17. Robert Swigart SF Tiffin 44-47 112 2535 1467 358 143 32 107 887 502 56.6 5 1 20.0 78.8
18. Kenneth Robinson PG Tiffin 121-124 125 2706 1463 136 336 0 85 973 468 48.1 633 289 45.7 80.7
19. Edmond Crawford PG Tiffin 81-85 125 2506 1462 176 396 4 110 1001 496 49.6 6 0 0.0 74.2
20. Harry Isbell SG Tiffin 36-39 128 2948 1460 220 230 11 86 1096 501 45.7 613 252 41.1 65.4
21. Douglas Sanders SG Tiffin 24-27 113 3119 1445 234 303 0 89 1030 445 43.2 745 295 39.6 81.0
22. Roger Chou SG Tiffin 145-148 113 2640 1424 209 209 2 93 934 442 47.3 539 232 43.0 86.0
23. James Ferrin PG Tiffin 100-103 112 2220 1414 138 355 2 91 937 464 49.5 451 198 43.9 77.4
24. Benjamin Carey SF Tiffin 94-97 127 2077 1386 378 183 46 68 943 500 53.0 321 142 44.2 74.4
25. Gerald Yost PG Tiffin 83-86 122 2319 1383 143 297 5 130 980 446 45.5 545 224 41.1 75.2
* Bolded players are currently active.
Minimum Requirements:
  • 300 FGA to qualify for FG%
  • 100 FG3A to qualify for 3Pt%
  • 200 FTA to qualify for FT%