Record: 0-0 Conference: C.Atlantic Coach: Sim AI Prestige: D+ RPI: 0 SOS: 0
Division II - Philadelphia, PA
Homecourt: C-
Home: 0-0 Away: 0-0
AVG 541
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Name Year Pos School Sn. GP Min Pts Reb Ast Blk Stl FGA FGM FG% 3PtA 3PtM 3Pt% FT%
1. Lee Davis C Philadelphia 34-38 110 3243 1673 787 23 105 108 2036 698 34.3 7 0 0.0 67.1
2. Harry Stewart PF Philadelphia 3-6 119 2885 1623 877 106 52 112 1176 588 50.0 43 6 14.0 82.9
3. Joe Federico PF Philadelphia 26-29 119 3127 1493 1064 108 199 93 1126 543 48.2 10 3 30.0 72.4
4. John Campbell PF Philadelphia 10-13 110 3133 1469 817 107 72 102 1274 554 43.5 13 3 23.1 61.9
5. Johnny Johnson SG Philadelphia 59-62 97 2365 1447 185 187 4 79 973 461 47.4 885 413 46.7 82.4
6. James Richardson PG Philadelphia 71-74 113 2668 1434 124 245 1 103 997 506 50.8 209 92 44.0 67.3
7. Edgar Cerrato SG Philadelphia 67-70 108 3141 1430 318 284 8 118 1073 472 44.0 808 334 41.3 69.1
8. Peter Mojica SG Philadelphia 107-110 120 2572 1391 268 187 11 188 1049 458 43.7 767 313 40.8 72.3
9. Justin Hefley PG Philadelphia 50-54 109 2839 1387 223 337 2 109 1054 476 45.2 367 126 34.3 76.3
10. Albert Baker SG Philadelphia 126-129 117 2353 1378 309 277 2 149 1008 453 44.9 366 128 35.0 71.7
11. Steven Carrington SG Philadelphia 107-110 120 2364 1371 169 270 0 136 972 452 46.5 676 288 42.6 75.5
12. Wilfred Perdue PG Philadelphia 129-132 117 2314 1350 166 329 1 175 957 455 47.5 340 135 39.7 75.3
13. Walter Smalley PG Philadelphia 110-113 119 2252 1338 94 270 1 141 1057 432 40.9 910 351 38.6 76.9
14. Joshua Conroy PF Philadelphia 22-25 113 2877 1337 1011 153 212 76 973 463 47.6 87 20 23.0 74.5
15. Donald Ayers SG Philadelphia 25-28 117 2918 1336 217 290 29 116 955 414 43.4 783 308 39.3 69.0
16. James Alderete PG Philadelphia 119-122 125 2260 1333 190 430 4 155 907 419 46.2 525 208 39.6 72.5
17. Bradley Waltrip PF Philadelphia 25-28 117 2985 1311 931 35 177 70 1063 477 44.9 1 0 0.0 66.7
18. John Rousseau PG Philadelphia 124-127 116 2378 1310 149 455 2 195 917 451 49.2 18 2 11.1 72.4
19. William Gallagher C Philadelphia 12-15 111 2775 1304 666 23 73 145 999 450 45.0 0 0 0.0 79.2
20. Charles Brown SG Philadelphia 130-133 115 2374 1289 211 230 7 177 912 419 45.9 275 95 34.5 73.0
21. Michael Straka SG Philadelphia 115-118 124 2231 1279 207 374 0 181 927 427 46.1 431 168 39.0 77.6
22. Duane Hadsell PG Philadelphia 113-117 124 2186 1267 130 373 3 170 876 423 48.3 257 107 41.6 69.5
23. Rafael Brinton SF Philadelphia 75-78 112 2579 1263 448 139 25 82 968 435 44.9 173 53 30.6 78.5
24. Dana St. John C Philadelphia 26-29 109 2810 1256 762 35 195 87 959 436 45.5 2 0 0.0 67.8
25. Marcus Harper SF Philadelphia 2-5 118 2730 1241 417 142 4 102 917 433 47.2 342 125 36.5 68.9
* Bolded players are currently active.
Minimum Requirements:
  • 300 FGA to qualify for FG%
  • 100 FG3A to qualify for 3Pt%
  • 200 FTA to qualify for FT%