Record: 0-0 Conference: C.Atlantic Coach: Sim AI Prestige: A+ RPI: 0 SOS: 0
Division II - Wilmington, DE
Homecourt: C-
Home: 0-0 Away: 0-0
AVG 577
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Name Year Pos School Sn. GP Min Pts Reb Ast Blk Stl FGA FGM FG% 3PtA 3PtM 3Pt% FT%
1. Stephen Clifton PG Goldey-Beacom 140-143 125 2112 2104 90 338 3 201 1408 690 49.0 776 361 46.5 73.6
2. Carroll Hunter PG Goldey-Beacom 143-146 124 2553 2074 154 415 3 235 1427 677 47.4 819 367 44.8 69.2
3. James Stearns PG Goldey-Beacom 130-133 125 2411 1995 166 366 3 235 1393 667 47.9 713 300 42.1 73.1
4. Roderick Burke PG Goldey-Beacom 120-124 118 3387 1867 269 456 7 154 1304 584 44.8 1122 489 43.6 72.7
5. Claude Brown PF Goldey-Beacom 121-124 118 3369 1861 822 138 113 103 1416 715 50.5 283 111 39.2 64.0
6. Richard Jones PG Goldey-Beacom 133-136 131 2038 1843 101 261 1 164 1310 600 45.8 712 290 40.7 72.6
7. Ron Carr PG Goldey-Beacom 145-148 126 2262 1812 143 375 1 198 1242 581 46.8 954 420 44.0 74.0
8. Lionel Petrie SG Goldey-Beacom 117-120 113 3754 1771 529 140 7 113 1463 622 42.5 478 193 40.4 69.3
9. Michael Higgins SG Goldey-Beacom 99-102 120 2536 1703 451 236 5 206 1250 576 46.1 238 68 28.6 69.8
10. Kevin Schwarm SG Goldey-Beacom 137-140 128 2323 1628 244 295 10 199 1074 529 49.3 280 107 38.2 75.4
11. Tony Hicks C Goldey-Beacom 134-137 130 2245 1574 782 71 102 94 1028 570 55.4 4 0 0.0 74.2
12. James Keys PF Goldey-Beacom 136-139 129 2573 1534 661 156 53 123 1007 559 55.5 1 0 0.0 70.4
13. Harry Ritchie PF Goldey-Beacom 140-143 125 2444 1487 654 81 78 121 1002 559 55.8 0 0 0.0 67.0
14. Charles Barnes SG Goldey-Beacom 133-136 131 2389 1457 272 205 9 170 1063 496 46.7 611 259 42.4 62.2
15. Ryan Wilhoite PF Goldey-Beacom 148-151 130 3094 1435 896 138 118 100 1080 553 51.2 26 4 15.4 61.2
16. David Opperman PG Goldey-Beacom 137-140 128 2153 1368 174 270 7 154 940 464 49.4 411 177 43.1 72.1
17. Clifford Jackson SG Goldey-Beacom 129-132 123 2369 1367 353 235 9 148 993 450 45.3 761 323 42.4 69.6
18. Ethan Anderson SG Goldey-Beacom 18-21 113 3478 1359 186 276 24 165 1141 460 40.3 894 320 35.8 56.9
19. Brian Hall SG Goldey-Beacom 128-131 123 2280 1357 262 184 8 150 924 480 51.9 35 6 17.1 74.8
20. Curtis Bess SG Goldey-Beacom 140-143 125 2379 1345 235 298 11 175 955 449 47.0 498 208 41.8 63.2
21. Roy Pearson SG Goldey-Beacom 134-137 130 2326 1340 240 317 2 193 901 428 47.5 615 275 44.7 63.7
22. John Darcy PG Goldey-Beacom 148-151 130 2760 1317 291 393 6 182 891 414 46.5 429 174 40.6 70.5
23. Thomas Pickett PG Goldey-Beacom 129-132 123 2318 1307 166 384 1 218 928 426 45.9 334 119 35.6 74.2
24. Carl Russo PF Goldey-Beacom 97-100 112 2096 1284 591 32 36 81 1043 499 47.8 115 32 27.8 61.4
25. Michael Nguyen SF Goldey-Beacom 8-11 109 3519 1235 354 173 18 99 1172 423 36.1 686 220 32.1 58.5
* Bolded players are currently active.
Minimum Requirements:
  • 300 FGA to qualify for FG%
  • 100 FG3A to qualify for 3Pt%
  • 200 FTA to qualify for FT%