Record: 0-0 Conference: N. Sun Coach: 6grogies6 Prestige: A+ RPI: 0 SOS: 0
Division II - Las Vegas, NM
Homecourt: C+
Home: 0-0 Away: 0-0
AVG 625
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Name Year Pos School Sn. GP Min Pts Reb Ast Blk Stl FGA FGM FG% 3PtA 3PtM 3Pt% FT%
1. Todd Dennison PG New Mexico Highlands 119-123 119 3118 1749 348 435 2 168 1133 564 49.8 570 263 46.1 81.0
2. Leo Anderson SG New Mexico Highlands 135-138 129 2593 1744 395 368 11 216 1145 601 52.5 3 0 0.0 77.8
3. Edward Stone PG New Mexico Highlands 67-70 114 3366 1599 140 525 2 155 1169 552 47.2 526 213 40.5 71.8
4. Warren Ohlson SF New Mexico Highlands 146-149 127 2710 1576 465 206 9 197 1014 504 49.7 5 0 0.0 81.7
5. David Huber SG New Mexico Highlands 146-149 127 2680 1543 655 191 90 130 1049 514 49.0 629 279 44.4 67.0
6. Robert Bonner PG New Mexico Highlands 135-138 129 2620 1474 222 515 0 196 967 456 47.2 645 273 42.3 78.3
7. John Preston SG New Mexico Highlands 73-77 114 2769 1438 149 284 0 140 936 472 50.4 682 334 49.0 73.1
8. Bobby Rutherford SG New Mexico Highlands 63-66 119 2781 1413 139 254 2 114 1030 467 45.3 780 340 43.6 70.9
9. David Sheen PF New Mexico Highlands 145-148 125 2802 1410 699 176 104 131 925 497 53.7 1 0 0.0 72.9
10. Carl Jones SF New Mexico Highlands 60-63 115 3006 1362 478 171 31 85 1111 462 41.6 719 272 37.8 71.6
11. Philip Veach C New Mexico Highlands 3-6 108 2912 1329 873 9 109 94 1079 530 49.1 21 2 9.5 60.5
12. Kirk Collins SG New Mexico Highlands 78-81 114 2899 1326 271 298 2 100 1014 448 44.2 583 237 40.7 67.7
13. Marty Myers SF New Mexico Highlands 37-40 112 2766 1323 398 101 24 86 1051 461 43.9 601 230 38.3 75.0
14. Mark Ransome PF New Mexico Highlands 8-11 111 3027 1322 668 126 87 98 999 471 47.1 22 2 9.1 76.8
15. Lawrence Bell SF New Mexico Highlands 138-141 130 2470 1320 374 168 15 163 882 439 49.8 7 0 0.0 75.2
16. William Parkinson SG New Mexico Highlands 17-20 112 3149 1317 247 281 26 76 970 411 42.4 725 283 39.0 77.9
17. Edward Nester PG New Mexico Highlands 136-139 130 2253 1301 237 274 3 158 918 417 45.4 442 175 39.6 76.0
18. Timothy Johnson SG New Mexico Highlands 60-63 115 2785 1292 313 263 5 74 988 432 43.7 711 298 41.9 73.0
19. Charles Thompson PG New Mexico Highlands 127-130 115 2872 1288 144 277 1 139 886 409 46.2 622 273 43.9 64.6
20. Martin Johnson PF New Mexico Highlands 100-103 111 2110 1270 380 62 30 78 914 424 46.4 623 277 44.5 70.7
21. Lewis Lowery PG New Mexico Highlands 71-74 116 2762 1269 184 231 3 92 1019 438 43.0 279 92 33.0 66.7
22. Joe Hilton PF New Mexico Highlands 14-17 113 2716 1265 824 111 80 117 883 465 52.7 16 5 31.3 74.8
23. Darren Corbett PG New Mexico Highlands 63-66 120 3179 1256 216 599 5 127 934 420 45.0 455 175 38.5 80.1
24. Robert Moore SG New Mexico Highlands 124-127 118 2879 1235 316 275 2 119 926 407 44.0 490 178 36.3 71.9
25. Arnold Wayland SG New Mexico Highlands 131-134 112 2417 1229 159 250 3 146 894 393 44.0 557 222 39.9 69.1
* Bolded players are currently active.
Minimum Requirements:
  • 300 FGA to qualify for FG%
  • 100 FG3A to qualify for 3Pt%
  • 200 FTA to qualify for FT%