Record: 0-0 Conference: N. Sun Coach: ShakaSmart Prestige: A RPI: 0 SOS: 0
Division II - Moorhead, MN
Homecourt: C+
Home: 0-0 Away: 0-0
AVG 584
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Name Year Pos School Sn. GP Min Pts Reb Ast Blk Stl FGA FGM FG% 3PtA 3PtM 3Pt% FT%
1. Frank Sayers PG Minnesota St., Moorhead 70-73 113 3187 1504 175 435 0 154 1090 486 44.6 654 268 41.0 74.4
2. James Sullivan C Minnesota St., Moorhead 5-8 115 2925 1399 865 48 121 52 955 451 47.2 23 4 17.4 86.6
3. Clark Gaskin SG Minnesota St., Moorhead 33-36 112 2498 1343 175 232 9 117 1146 486 42.4 493 194 39.4 68.3
4. Brian Hebert SG Minnesota St., Moorhead 118-121 110 2693 1335 275 215 4 94 971 443 45.6 574 236 41.1 71.0
5. Philip Litwin SG Minnesota St., Moorhead 33-36 107 1357 1316 59 65 11 58 1115 431 38.7 808 307 38.0 72.8
6. Michael Inouye SG Minnesota St., Moorhead 122-125 112 2699 1296 224 192 0 90 925 436 47.1 471 199 42.3 72.3
7. Norberto Ricci PG Minnesota St., Moorhead 60-63 110 2658 1279 225 257 2 132 937 412 44.0 565 221 39.1 72.2
8. Daniel Pelletier SG Minnesota St., Moorhead 87-90 112 2555 1246 260 204 3 124 986 433 43.9 472 175 37.1 71.9
9. Kyle Arnold SG Minnesota St., Moorhead 37-40 110 3407 1245 252 261 18 137 994 418 42.1 625 223 35.7 88.2
10. Christopher Conklin PG Minnesota St., Moorhead 50-53 112 2734 1222 287 355 4 109 872 388 44.5 581 231 39.8 78.5
11. Hondo Alhambra C Minnesota St., Moorhead 148-151 123 2520 1215 751 96 88 78 807 457 56.6 4 0 0.0 69.5
12. Albert Lawler SG Minnesota St., Moorhead 12-16 118 3019 1204 181 245 6 132 878 390 44.4 614 242 39.4 72.2
13. Joseph White SG Minnesota St., Moorhead 43-46 117 2314 1203 186 203 1 81 936 410 43.8 380 132 34.7 78.4
14. Lester Meinhardt C Minnesota St., Moorhead 22-25 115 2565 1188 814 46 134 152 917 472 51.5 10 2 20.0 55.5
15. Daniel Koonce SG Minnesota St., Moorhead 134-137 114 2700 1187 220 177 1 121 936 386 41.2 602 223 37.0 67.6
16. Edison Carlucci SG Minnesota St., Moorhead 26-29 118 2869 1156 346 261 14 191 910 371 40.8 495 169 34.1 72.9
17. Raymond Nuckols SF Minnesota St., Moorhead 87-90 112 2409 1141 230 124 4 139 904 373 41.3 662 255 38.5 74.9
18. George Winston SF Minnesota St., Moorhead 146-149 125 2443 1139 429 187 45 142 826 417 50.5 108 33 30.6 69.4
19. Frederick Hills SF Minnesota St., Moorhead 49-52 111 2698 1104 373 134 40 75 905 381 42.1 416 151 36.3 72.3
20. Rosario Yazzie SG Minnesota St., Moorhead 143-146 125 1991 1104 202 180 4 165 728 333 45.7 521 230 44.1 81.3
21. Clifford Bell PG Minnesota St., Moorhead 27-30 118 2227 1101 317 276 23 111 842 380 45.1 345 130 37.7 69.2
22. Jarrett Baxter PG Minnesota St., Moorhead 54-57 111 2688 1099 119 313 1 116 860 365 42.4 476 176 37.0 72.8
23. Brent Scott SG Minnesota St., Moorhead 70-74 114 3106 1098 253 311 2 105 869 364 41.9 544 207 38.1 74.8
24. Philip Barton PG Minnesota St., Moorhead 117-120 109 2388 1096 217 277 2 134 775 348 44.9 570 232 40.7 68.9
25. Michael Wallace SG Minnesota St., Moorhead 114-117 109 2468 1093 176 241 1 114 793 360 45.4 457 174 38.1 74.5
* Bolded players are currently active.
Minimum Requirements:
  • 300 FGA to qualify for FG%
  • 100 FG3A to qualify for 3Pt%
  • 200 FTA to qualify for FT%