Record: 0-0 Conference: N. Central Coach: Sim AI Prestige: B- RPI: 0 SOS: 0
Division II - Oakland City, IN
Homecourt: C-
Home: 0-0 Away: 0-0
AVG 540
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Name Year Pos School Sn. GP Min Pts Reb Ast Blk Stl FGA FGM FG% 3PtA 3PtM 3Pt% FT%
1. Reynaldo Vargas PG Oakland City 77-81 122 2612 1645 218 297 2 193 1121 526 46.9 733 300 40.9 69.6
2. Marco Ricci SF Oakland City 95-98 112 2810 1580 317 200 14 119 1511 564 37.3 740 193 26.1 68.9
3. James Donahue C Oakland City 7-10 119 3011 1489 711 36 73 105 1116 532 47.7 0 0 0.0 75.5
4. Sean McElveen PF Oakland City 93-96 115 2727 1483 707 63 131 66 1247 582 46.7 213 56 26.3 66.9
5. Christopher Hogan PF Oakland City 4-7 123 3037 1461 807 69 33 123 1033 501 48.5 14 2 14.3 80.5
6. Louis Denson C Oakland City 3-6 119 3247 1431 1018 106 113 114 1100 552 50.2 9 0 0.0 72.2
7. Robert Wynn SF Oakland City 39-42 114 2923 1359 558 72 39 92 1166 527 45.2 37 9 24.3 65.8
8. Allen Swallow SG Oakland City 113-116 113 2363 1318 206 205 1 184 939 466 49.6 466 199 42.7 65.4
9. Michael Kale PG Oakland City 75-78 122 2694 1317 205 277 1 174 997 430 43.1 533 183 34.3 68.0
10. Dennis Lowrie SG Oakland City 74-77 122 2554 1314 192 166 5 142 1015 419 41.3 733 268 36.6 76.2
11. Michael Porter PF Oakland City 15-18 116 3353 1312 787 154 56 76 1043 465 44.6 124 48 38.7 73.9
12. Robert Evans SF Oakland City 123-126 111 2524 1278 460 106 22 111 976 456 46.7 392 149 38.0 75.9
13. Kevin Valliere SG Oakland City 70-74 121 2449 1278 111 197 2 135 962 428 44.5 560 215 38.4 74.7
14. Robert Bainbridge SG Oakland City 85-89 113 2763 1272 156 289 2 178 943 424 45.0 623 251 40.3 73.6
15. Michael Davis PG Oakland City 105-108 111 2183 1260 169 233 0 179 924 445 48.2 299 109 36.5 66.4
16. Devin Davis SF Oakland City 19-22 112 2768 1246 392 56 39 80 940 401 42.7 451 185 41.0 66.8
17. Joe Smith SG Oakland City 34-37 109 2857 1242 177 265 8 40 886 400 45.1 599 256 42.7 81.6
18. Frederick Fisher PG Oakland City 38-41 117 2905 1234 315 292 9 156 1047 462 44.1 194 76 39.2 72.7
19. Joshua Corriveau C Oakland City 7-10 119 2546 1226 606 23 64 48 810 416 51.4 1 0 0.0 70.6
20. Brett Bailey SG Oakland City 8-11 104 2647 1225 61 221 6 122 822 382 46.5 632 281 44.5 67.7
21. David Mascorro SF Oakland City 90-93 110 2097 1201 300 147 19 99 950 408 42.9 598 238 39.8 68.4
22. Matthew Miller SG Oakland City 23-26 110 3164 1195 97 230 0 68 1053 384 36.5 715 241 33.7 60.6
23. Harold Bowers SG Oakland City 62-65 114 2554 1185 260 222 3 218 831 406 48.9 186 62 33.3 71.3
24. Horace Sarratt SF Oakland City 23-26 110 3216 1184 449 107 51 57 998 400 40.1 499 172 34.5 66.7
25. Francis Banks SF Oakland City 70-73 118 2585 1179 400 76 43 127 912 399 43.8 369 123 33.3 66.3
* Bolded players are currently active.
Minimum Requirements:
  • 300 FGA to qualify for FG%
  • 100 FG3A to qualify for 3Pt%
  • 200 FTA to qualify for FT%