Record: 0-0 Conference: Gulf South Coach: Sim AI Prestige: C RPI: 0 SOS: 0
Division II - Conway, AR
Homecourt: C-
Home: 0-0 Away: 0-0
AVG 528
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Name Year Pos School Sn. GP Min Pts Reb Ast Blk Stl FGA FGM FG% 3PtA 3PtM 3Pt% FT%
1. Joe Durgan C Central Arkansas 42-45 114 2502 1433 669 44 81 56 1254 563 44.9 133 38 28.6 64.8
2. Matthew Rodarte PG Central Arkansas 64-67 121 2979 1371 178 411 0 215 963 453 47.0 415 172 41.4 70.8
3. Jack Scott PG Central Arkansas 132-135 112 2724 1347 126 462 2 143 923 446 48.3 525 229 43.6 73.6
4. John Eslick SG Central Arkansas 114-117 113 2230 1290 211 167 6 67 929 419 45.1 867 382 44.1 68.6
5. Zachary Day SG Central Arkansas 68-71 115 2378 1254 274 100 10 95 948 455 48.0 25 3 12.0 75.1
6. Robert Barnes C Central Arkansas 3-6 120 3033 1229 841 6 109 82 989 496 50.2 19 6 31.6 62.4
7. Gerald McGown PF Central Arkansas 20-22 85 2530 1228 629 50 70 116 974 447 45.9 147 41 27.9 69.6
8. Elmer Simonsen PG Central Arkansas 4-7 111 3071 1208 137 364 0 121 886 394 44.5 566 261 46.1 65.4
9. Rafael Cowart SG Central Arkansas 50-53 112 2690 1206 164 198 1 164 914 390 42.7 715 273 38.2 81.4
10. Doug Meyer SG Central Arkansas 85-88 114 2371 1196 201 216 1 123 922 403 43.7 691 284 41.1 64.2
11. Albert Tapley SG Central Arkansas 14-17 112 3635 1192 124 411 7 121 919 385 41.9 554 194 35.0 77.6
12. Frank Peters PG Central Arkansas 102-105 109 2310 1184 158 345 0 127 802 397 49.5 306 120 39.2 72.8
13. Henry Berryhill PG Central Arkansas 82-85 117 2228 1168 99 279 1 170 938 394 42.0 505 174 34.5 68.4
14. Richard Hession PG Central Arkansas 124-127 112 2539 1154 190 386 0 90 793 381 48.0 534 246 46.1 73.4
15. Robert McEwen SF Central Arkansas 136-139 116 2551 1141 555 184 43 96 794 415 52.3 201 74 36.8 75.7
16. Kenneth Palmer C Central Arkansas 58-61 113 2548 1131 669 24 80 70 900 433 48.1 1 0 0.0 59.0
17. Philip Chilton SG Central Arkansas 111-114 114 2545 1128 220 181 2 99 892 382 42.8 555 216 38.9 69.5
18. Burton Carter SG Central Arkansas 17-20 111 3373 1124 113 314 0 85 846 360 42.6 604 241 39.9 70.9
19. Roland Baty PG Central Arkansas 139-142 111 2643 1121 126 311 1 114 767 370 48.2 443 192 43.3 72.7
20. Curtis Borden C Central Arkansas 20-23 112 2598 1119 752 84 123 66 796 376 47.2 30 0 0.0 68.7
21. Darren Dublin PF Central Arkansas 42-45 114 2454 1118 464 59 82 67 926 405 43.7 138 40 29.0 67.0
22. Patrick Kiss SG Central Arkansas 43-46 114 2167 1116 133 181 0 104 900 390 43.3 522 194 37.2 68.3
23. Jacinto Jones C Central Arkansas 3-6 104 2312 1115 756 28 73 65 845 422 49.9 11 1 9.1 70.5
24. Gerald Moller PG Central Arkansas 135-138 116 2661 1093 125 447 1 131 791 364 46.0 483 190 39.3 72.6
25. Michael Cook C Central Arkansas 43-46 114 2181 1091 719 50 69 47 868 415 47.8 37 11 29.7 69.8
* Bolded players are currently active.
Minimum Requirements:
  • 300 FGA to qualify for FG%
  • 100 FG3A to qualify for 3Pt%
  • 200 FTA to qualify for FT%