Record: 1-1 Conference: GLIAC Coach: Sim AI Prestige: C RPI: 0 SOS: 0
Division II - Big Rapids, MI
Homecourt: C-
Home: 0-1 Away: 1-0
AVG 550
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Name Year Pos School Sn. GP Min Pts Reb Ast Blk Stl FGA FGM FG% 3PtA 3PtM 3Pt% FT%
1. Clifton Dillman SG Ferris St. 71-75 110 2814 2038 147 165 3 74 1680 678 40.4 1596 630 39.5 62.7
2. Tommie Weaver PG Ferris St. 81-85 118 3001 1987 120 374 3 93 1497 668 44.6 975 411 42.2 72.5
3. Bob Ward SG Ferris St. 67-71 119 3107 1933 206 195 2 95 1529 654 42.8 1099 433 39.4 68.1
4. Manuel Grasso PF Ferris St. 94-97 124 3017 1738 757 35 101 70 1272 640 50.3 3 0 0.0 75.0
5. Michael Fiscus C Ferris St. 2-5 120 3594 1698 1134 75 113 109 1321 706 53.4 53 8 15.1 43.7
6. Thomas Walker C Ferris St. 16-19 106 2781 1591 975 70 152 61 1092 527 48.3 0 0 0.0 84.0
7. Willie Sherman C Ferris St. 83-87 119 3121 1536 820 108 134 74 1154 624 54.1 4 0 0.0 60.5
8. Johnnie Naber SG Ferris St. 84-87 112 2154 1530 110 165 2 67 1100 498 45.3 957 418 43.7 65.9
9. Steve Kauffman PG Ferris St. 93-96 113 2252 1529 116 231 1 68 1169 497 42.5 1021 417 40.8 75.6
10. Michael Pierce C Ferris St. 20-23 117 2962 1496 944 90 163 86 1082 485 44.8 1 0 0.0 80.3
11. Phillip Hetzel PG Ferris St. 61-64 110 2998 1480 109 332 2 116 1231 483 39.2 523 177 33.8 80.0
12. Mohamed Luckey C Ferris St. 80-83 114 2488 1466 604 45 101 55 1204 593 49.3 5 0 0.0 62.8
13. Greg Campbell C Ferris St. 21-24 117 3190 1433 989 79 171 64 1063 513 48.3 3 2 66.7 73.2
14. Tommy Charles C Ferris St. 17-20 115 2981 1418 1038 96 166 44 1087 485 44.6 2 0 0.0 81.5
15. Eric Farrer SF Ferris St. 87-91 112 2275 1416 371 59 18 61 1130 531 47.0 8 0 0.0 65.8
16. Richard Weller PG Ferris St. 63-66 118 2597 1380 126 184 5 101 1009 454 45.0 509 204 40.1 70.3
17. Ralph Hasse SF Ferris St. 63-66 115 2930 1369 461 94 60 85 1037 475 45.8 9 0 0.0 73.5
18. George Bell SF Ferris St. 60-63 108 2477 1335 443 51 36 55 1066 495 46.4 6 0 0.0 67.9
19. Freddy Vanwinkle SG Ferris St. 107-110 109 2132 1317 254 177 4 168 960 449 46.8 382 152 39.8 71.8
20. Paul Thompson C Ferris St. 13-16 115 3466 1310 1007 132 169 79 976 457 46.8 0 0 0.0 78.0
21. Tomas Salsbury PG Ferris St. 89-92 116 2486 1304 108 341 2 85 977 410 42.0 799 317 39.7 74.9
22. Bruce Barber PG Ferris St. 78-80 83 2249 1298 74 186 3 74 1078 429 39.8 687 254 37.0 70.5
23. Michael Holcomb SG Ferris St. 42-46 119 2756 1270 193 363 3 67 916 417 45.5 790 348 44.1 63.8
24. Patrick Davis PG Ferris St. 97-100 88 1883 1257 97 142 0 66 948 415 43.8 715 294 41.1 71.1
25. Edward Salvaggio PF Ferris St. 41-44 118 2756 1250 696 87 56 61 948 461 48.6 7 1 14.3 76.2
* Bolded players are currently active.
Minimum Requirements:
  • 300 FGA to qualify for FG%
  • 100 FG3A to qualify for 3Pt%
  • 200 FTA to qualify for FT%