Record: 0-0 Conference: Big East Coach: bfritz13psu Prestige: A RPI: 0 SOS: 0
Division I - Syracuse, NY
Homecourt: A+
Home: 0-0 Away: 0-0
AVG 695
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Name Year Pos School Sn. GP Min Pts Reb Ast Blk Stl FGA FGM FG% 3PtA 3PtM 3Pt% FT%
1. Roland Rodgers PG Syracuse 106-109 123 3542 2411 301 404 8 139 1838 837 45.5 1009 421 41.7 72.3
2. Frank Reck SG Syracuse 91-94 116 2900 2190 364 180 9 128 1573 749 47.6 873 383 43.9 71.5
3. Donald Doyle PG Syracuse 99-102 128 3090 2070 198 256 2 107 1538 704 45.8 864 370 42.8 71.6
4. Toby Navarette PF Syracuse 125-129 115 3131 2063 528 113 37 112 1519 778 51.2 86 32 37.2 67.8
5. Donald Davidson SF Syracuse 54-57 119 3183 2045 488 212 32 110 1549 719 46.4 752 299 39.8 63.4
6. David Babcock SG Syracuse 58-61 123 2842 2010 370 292 5 149 1432 673 47.0 1076 479 44.5 68.5
7. Ray Jones PG Syracuse 135-138 123 3259 1852 284 286 1 119 1449 625 43.1 838 321 38.3 73.6
8. Mike Lietz SF Syracuse 8-11 116 3410 1821 586 235 30 99 1434 625 43.6 754 274 36.3 63.5
9. Todd Fromm SG Syracuse 126-129 115 2807 1803 284 198 1 85 1379 603 43.7 916 375 40.9 72.1
10. Joan Messer PF Syracuse 5-8 120 3771 1797 1172 147 115 147 1200 657 54.8 42 8 19.0 79.6
11. Gerald Starkweather PG Syracuse 131-134 118 2756 1792 154 173 9 107 1339 577 43.1 1069 441 41.3 77.6
12. John Wilson SG Syracuse 82-85 125 3464 1762 321 374 7 127 1246 594 47.7 634 277 43.7 67.3
13. Justin Allison PG Syracuse 87-89 85 2328 1629 203 218 2 80 1242 534 43.0 570 215 37.7 81.0
14. Micah Barnes PF Syracuse 95-98 125 3310 1563 771 195 111 117 1101 587 53.3 2 0 0.0 73.3
15. Edgar Mullenax SG Syracuse 1-4 128 3641 1547 336 258 10 163 1029 569 55.3 379 182 48.0 71.6
16. Donald Cloutier SG Syracuse 140-143 120 3407 1536 304 317 3 124 1165 516 44.3 741 301 40.6 67.7
17. Daniel Elam SF Syracuse 4-7 124 2548 1523 282 182 10 125 909 511 56.2 406 184 45.3 77.1
18. Josh Craft PG Syracuse 66-69 121 3360 1440 154 403 2 101 1043 468 44.9 686 289 42.1 79.9
19. Marvin Egan PF Syracuse 122-124 85 2776 1439 661 93 86 71 1156 535 46.3 231 74 32.0 64.4
20. Odell Clark SF Syracuse 56-59 119 2823 1423 358 184 35 93 1067 514 48.2 342 126 36.8 65.9
21. James Beck SF Syracuse 70-73 117 2812 1393 385 196 5 92 1009 481 47.7 421 166 39.4 72.6
22. Herbert Wike PG Syracuse 142-145 121 2935 1372 339 303 3 113 941 446 47.4 640 280 43.8 74.6
23. Christopher Lockhart SF Syracuse 70-73 117 3081 1371 550 134 64 85 1004 463 46.1 384 145 37.8 74.6
24. William Shelton SG Syracuse 117-119 89 2093 1367 278 165 7 72 997 478 47.9 572 239 41.8 65.2
25. Matthew Tseng C Syracuse 139-142 117 3549 1363 915 102 138 105 1013 523 51.6 10 3 30.0 66.1
* Bolded players are currently active.
Minimum Requirements:
  • 300 FGA to qualify for FG%
  • 100 FG3A to qualify for 3Pt%
  • 200 FTA to qualify for FT%