Record: 1-1 Conference: NEC Coach: Sim AI Prestige: C RPI: 0 SOS: 0
Division I - Fairfield, CT
Homecourt: C+
Home: 0-1 Away: 1-0
AVG 652
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Name Year Pos School Sn. GP Min Pts Reb Ast Blk Stl FGA FGM FG% 3PtA 3PtM 3Pt% FT%
1. Jerome Gomes PF Sacred Heart 89-92 119 3143 1898 753 166 94 113 1335 716 53.6 5 2 40.0 69.3
2. Joseph Wilson PF Sacred Heart 84-87 113 2950 1618 615 65 65 85 1226 600 48.9 68 13 19.1 70.3
3. Matthew Jackson SG Sacred Heart 41-44 119 2743 1567 355 188 8 87 1186 556 46.9 596 242 40.6 70.3
4. Charles Gaffney PG Sacred Heart 96-99 121 2682 1547 327 404 4 136 952 493 51.8 396 183 46.2 78.3
5. Gary Valenzuela C Sacred Heart 4-7 114 3384 1527 974 116 122 76 1113 578 51.9 19 3 15.8 69.6
6. Herbert Boles PG Sacred Heart 91-94 118 3125 1502 205 308 3 126 1094 491 44.9 634 254 40.1 72.1
7. Christopher Poovey PG Sacred Heart 115-118 109 2953 1476 187 442 4 131 982 488 49.7 646 303 46.9 67.2
8. Ronald Kirkland C Sacred Heart 24-27 111 2678 1393 883 27 156 53 1134 524 46.2 2 0 0.0 59.5
9. Jody Frei SF Sacred Heart 65-68 114 3146 1380 551 162 42 115 1046 480 45.9 419 148 35.3 71.8
10. Allen Artrip SG Sacred Heart 39-42 118 3025 1371 193 297 8 87 1066 487 45.7 422 173 41.0 71.3
11. Mathew Puga SG Sacred Heart 96-99 121 3130 1353 456 267 2 143 993 472 47.5 242 70 28.9 66.5
12. Trent Gentry PG Sacred Heart 87-90 107 2624 1351 162 338 3 105 946 435 46.0 645 283 43.9 78.3
13. James Ricca SG Sacred Heart 124-127 113 2683 1335 214 253 2 106 929 459 49.4 459 203 44.2 66.9
14. Jack Wiersma PF Sacred Heart 87-90 118 2846 1327 692 80 102 83 903 499 55.3 3 0 0.0 71.8
15. Jonas See PG Sacred Heart 127-130 115 2937 1327 273 482 2 128 948 454 47.9 380 157 41.3 68.6
16. Albert Surles PG Sacred Heart 95-98 120 2898 1300 292 393 2 118 850 414 48.7 547 248 45.3 78.9
17. Henry Mayhew C Sacred Heart 45-49 113 2806 1297 855 89 98 91 1040 495 47.6 324 113 34.9 63.0
18. Clyde Wells PF Sacred Heart 82-85 109 2870 1287 565 64 79 85 970 457 47.1 29 1 3.4 73.5
19. Brandon Worthley SG Sacred Heart 47-50 109 2803 1266 175 230 5 115 956 450 47.1 355 125 35.2 68.7
20. Francis Janoski SG Sacred Heart 56-59 108 2947 1255 218 123 1 104 1011 431 42.6 577 219 38.0 74.0
21. Christopher Delucia C Sacred Heart 28-31 116 2707 1227 738 78 174 62 1068 473 44.3 1 0 0.0 78.5
22. Jeffrey Trivett SG Sacred Heart 119-122 114 2592 1226 228 213 1 84 905 416 46.0 568 244 43.0 70.1
23. Timothy Law PF Sacred Heart 32-35 114 2533 1225 601 70 137 72 984 439 44.6 141 52 36.9 78.7
24. Jared Tomlinson SG Sacred Heart 138-141 110 2525 1218 325 205 3 125 876 397 45.3 454 172 37.9 72.8
25. James Due SG Sacred Heart 147-150 112 2685 1212 320 249 7 109 839 393 46.8 427 170 39.8 88.0
* Bolded players are currently active.
Minimum Requirements:
  • 300 FGA to qualify for FG%
  • 100 FG3A to qualify for 3Pt%
  • 200 FTA to qualify for FT%