Record: 0-0 Conference: WCC Coach: Sim AI Prestige: D+ RPI: 0 SOS: 0
Division I - Portland, OR
Homecourt: C+
Home: 0-0 Away: 0-0
AVG 647
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Name Year Pos School Sn. GP Min Pts Reb Ast Blk Stl FGA FGM FG% 3PtA 3PtM 3Pt% FT%
1. Eugene Basinger PG Portland 137-140 124 2900 1748 110 408 2 105 1219 554 45.4 776 338 43.6 83.4
2. Michael Difiore SG Portland 141-144 117 3344 1562 394 307 4 105 1158 532 45.9 607 247 40.7 73.2
3. Mladen Kolasinski SG Portland 138-140 93 2383 1553 311 264 13 116 1083 557 51.4 277 111 40.1 67.1
4. Eddie Morris PG Portland 135-138 119 3031 1471 408 468 3 138 995 529 53.2 107 38 35.5 71.4
5. James Hodnett SF Portland 46-49 115 3056 1436 337 171 31 128 1149 510 44.4 434 157 36.2 76.4
6. Sam Cary C Portland 17-20 123 2916 1429 813 6 105 156 1008 490 48.6 2 0 0.0 76.0
7. Wilburn Champagne SF Portland 7-10 109 2866 1411 318 154 21 67 1111 441 39.7 692 247 35.7 70.9
8. John Ewald PG Portland 128-131 117 3193 1398 233 401 4 116 1051 458 43.6 882 355 40.2 74.7
9. Robert Neumann PG Portland 57-60 113 2211 1393 103 220 0 172 1120 480 42.9 627 233 37.2 72.7
10. James Olague SF Portland 67-70 111 2949 1374 497 104 35 107 1054 502 47.6 240 93 38.8 64.1
11. Patrick Williams PG Portland 49-53 115 2393 1365 114 176 2 158 1027 458 44.6 634 262 41.3 79.2
12. Matthew Rhodes SF Portland 4-7 109 3065 1348 494 144 9 96 1165 432 37.1 668 216 32.3 63.1
13. Ken Hauser PG Portland 135-139 116 2469 1323 184 223 3 94 887 411 46.3 721 326 45.2 73.2
14. Lowell Thomas PF Portland 5-8 110 3542 1311 842 130 55 144 1024 452 44.1 60 8 13.3 82.3
15. Jeremy Hanna SG Portland 120-123 111 2342 1306 218 253 2 135 932 436 46.8 455 182 40.0 81.3
16. Joshua Cannon PG Portland 67-71 112 2966 1297 202 513 7 157 975 438 44.9 177 57 32.2 79.1
17. John Yoder PF Portland 58-62 114 2825 1294 832 125 87 96 995 494 49.6 16 2 12.5 67.3
18. Robert Teel C Portland 144-147 120 2999 1288 816 88 176 79 921 508 55.2 35 8 22.9 68.2
19. Brandon Deleon SF Portland 131-134 117 3154 1287 568 248 40 95 1019 450 44.2 743 294 39.6 75.6
20. Brett Holmstrom PF Portland 130-133 115 2724 1287 698 59 88 76 914 514 56.2 9 0 0.0 67.8
21. Nelson Kushner PF Portland 47-50 114 2564 1279 486 98 29 88 886 458 51.7 118 35 29.7 81.4
22. Ronald Plumley C Portland 13-16 111 2482 1249 698 26 73 155 944 465 49.3 0 0 0.0 70.4
23. Richard Carr SG Portland 124-127 113 2672 1248 344 194 1 140 1032 428 41.5 557 206 37.0 71.0
24. Brady Costner PG Portland 73-77 114 2980 1232 194 372 6 102 861 418 48.5 160 60 37.5 76.9
25. Vincent Finkelstein PG Portland 125-128 114 2783 1226 211 402 8 111 951 434 45.6 434 159 36.6 68.2
* Bolded players are currently active.
Minimum Requirements:
  • 300 FGA to qualify for FG%
  • 100 FG3A to qualify for 3Pt%
  • 200 FTA to qualify for FT%