Record: 0-0 Conference: Horizon Coach: Sim AI Prestige: D+ RPI: 0 SOS: 0
Division I - Youngstown, OH
Homecourt: C+
Home: 0-0 Away: 0-0
AVG 611
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Name Year Pos School Sn. GP Min Pts Reb Ast Blk Stl FGA FGM FG% 3PtA 3PtM 3Pt% FT%
1. Joseph Hollingshead PG Youngstown State 121-124 113 3768 2289 247 297 3 129 1846 777 42.1 1171 455 38.9 74.7
2. Barry Boston PG Youngstown State 135-138 111 2836 2026 122 378 2 97 1474 674 45.7 964 428 44.4 78.6
3. Paul Reid PG Youngstown State 118-121 110 3291 1687 187 219 2 139 1297 568 43.8 912 364 39.9 73.6
4. Alphonso Costa SG Youngstown State 139-143 117 2619 1675 107 274 4 95 1217 553 45.4 905 398 44.0 71.8
5. Marvin Neagle SG Youngstown State 139-142 116 3003 1649 167 292 4 106 1249 545 43.6 1040 443 42.6 63.7
6. Richard Bella SG Youngstown State 144-147 113 3156 1551 195 312 4 111 1136 532 46.8 606 259 42.7 67.7
7. William Johnson C Youngstown State 3-6 113 3421 1544 1081 84 128 92 1128 660 58.5 24 3 12.5 51.5
8. Grady Linn C Youngstown State 123-126 115 3328 1529 825 39 89 91 1209 565 46.7 11 0 0.0 68.4
9. Robert Pickett PF Youngstown State 11-14 114 3405 1482 927 94 85 116 1165 543 46.6 39 10 25.6 70.8
10. Douglas Walker PG Youngstown State 143-146 110 2849 1436 154 288 3 112 1006 508 50.5 234 104 44.4 74.5
11. Ronald Potter C Youngstown State 140-143 117 3108 1422 938 60 165 64 1119 555 49.6 6 0 0.0 64.6
12. Curtis Saechao SG Youngstown State 33-36 117 3136 1353 273 275 5 128 1009 449 44.5 712 295 41.4 66.1
13. Allen Scroggs SF Youngstown State 139-142 116 3271 1345 473 209 46 100 1040 446 42.9 691 269 38.9 76.0
14. Walter Mayo SF Youngstown State 3-6 111 2886 1312 395 184 10 108 924 467 50.5 358 128 35.8 81.4
15. Peter Scott C Youngstown State 7-10 111 3328 1265 1111 101 120 76 892 469 52.6 10 0 0.0 78.0
16. Charlie Martina SG Youngstown State 113-116 110 2756 1258 282 253 2 104 953 437 45.9 516 201 39.0 69.1
17. Ricky Henson SF Youngstown State 95-98 113 2705 1250 383 181 27 98 877 413 47.1 443 190 42.9 81.8
18. Doug Griffin SF Youngstown State 124-128 119 3055 1239 512 192 52 101 882 440 49.9 125 41 32.8 74.5
19. Dudley Guthrie SF Youngstown State 15-18 109 2858 1236 386 119 16 80 1019 406 39.8 484 162 33.5 76.4
20. Herbert Vester PG Youngstown State 45-48 118 2682 1231 146 367 2 170 878 415 47.3 491 204 41.5 74.9
21. Ronald Wiese SF Youngstown State 21-24 111 3020 1224 377 139 20 86 1082 406 37.5 463 144 31.1 79.5
22. Richard Kelley SF Youngstown State 7-10 111 2876 1217 360 189 19 63 990 415 41.9 521 182 34.9 67.4
23. Michael Wade C Youngstown State 11-14 114 3215 1204 794 79 116 102 849 450 53.0 12 1 8.3 67.0
24. Valeri Guzowski SG Youngstown State 41-44 117 2385 1202 164 206 3 90 967 409 42.3 572 220 38.5 73.9
25. Dino Toles SG Youngstown State 1-4 113 3101 1178 203 233 0 104 827 392 47.4 411 194 47.2 78.4
* Bolded players are currently active.
Minimum Requirements:
  • 300 FGA to qualify for FG%
  • 100 FG3A to qualify for 3Pt%
  • 200 FTA to qualify for FT%