Record: 0-0 Conference: Southland Coach: Sim AI Prestige: D+ RPI: 0 SOS: 0
Division I - Natchitoches, LA
Homecourt: C+
Home: 0-0 Away: 0-0
AVG 620
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Name Year Pos School Sn. GP Min Pts Reb Ast Blk Stl FGA FGM FG% 3PtA 3PtM 3Pt% FT%
1. Michael Hinojosa PG Northwestern State 59-63 115 3233 2078 325 338 4 151 1539 702 45.6 759 307 40.4 78.1
2. Edward Foster SG Northwestern State 55-58 113 2418 1421 219 232 1 102 1034 456 44.1 844 358 42.4 77.8
3. Eric White SG Northwestern State 134-137 119 2343 1367 300 247 3 155 1001 488 48.8 403 157 39.0 65.7
4. Leonard Symonds SF Northwestern State 7-10 115 3222 1350 455 217 19 77 1103 435 39.4 625 225 36.0 68.9
5. Raymond Larson PG Northwestern State 88-92 112 2666 1277 170 319 0 156 908 427 47.0 348 128 36.8 77.4
6. Brian Briggs SG Northwestern State 85-88 113 3018 1265 236 226 5 111 1002 425 42.4 545 210 38.5 72.4
7. Dikembe Orji SG Northwestern State 15-18 116 3373 1261 158 244 14 175 1012 411 40.6 680 250 36.8 66.3
8. Donald Brown SF Northwestern State 1-3 88 2564 1259 406 120 13 136 891 447 50.2 277 107 38.6 77.9
9. Demetrius Jost PG Northwestern State 62-65 116 2883 1249 112 531 2 112 965 436 45.2 40 9 22.5 74.0
10. Darrell Lorenzo SF Northwestern State 4-7 112 2941 1220 412 135 11 90 1115 425 38.1 528 147 27.8 67.2
11. Mitchell Finklea SG Northwestern State 144-147 115 2393 1203 316 172 5 134 893 410 45.9 456 176 38.6 71.4
12. Ronald Williams SG Northwestern State 95-98 115 2439 1197 273 289 2 149 858 401 46.7 460 189 41.1 75.7
13. Richard Robertson C Northwestern State 7-10 115 3148 1181 773 57 57 101 941 465 49.4 10 2 20.0 67.3
14. Mark Harrison PG Northwestern State 85-88 113 3074 1177 184 315 5 131 875 392 44.8 515 207 40.2 73.8
15. Oswaldo Russo C Northwestern State 66-69 115 2634 1175 845 83 156 60 904 458 50.7 8 0 0.0 65.2
16. Maurice Foerster SG Northwestern State 47-50 116 2548 1170 232 249 4 116 946 393 41.5 494 180 36.4 78.2
17. Dobromil Debski SF Northwestern State 15-18 116 2894 1163 382 121 17 86 995 407 40.9 403 149 37.0 66.0
18. Benjamin Threet SF Northwestern State 11-14 109 2823 1162 368 121 21 112 1009 408 40.4 548 198 36.1 59.0
19. James Fish SG Northwestern State 134-137 119 2312 1158 264 232 11 117 841 403 47.9 455 194 42.6 68.4
20. Robert Townsend SF Northwestern State 73-76 114 2458 1147 345 137 19 128 855 389 45.5 352 130 36.9 71.1
21. Gerald Krasinski SG Northwestern State 36-39 109 2649 1141 295 270 4 156 944 418 44.3 522 168 32.2 73.7
22. Chad Johson SF Northwestern State 69-72 121 2249 1140 448 192 32 132 775 416 53.7 30 5 16.7 72.1
23. Robert Winter PG Northwestern State 129-132 119 2107 1139 183 268 1 164 805 365 45.3 417 169 40.5 78.4
24. Roger Hilton PG Northwestern State 121-124 109 2262 1137 134 278 0 121 799 372 46.6 440 188 42.7 74.0
25. Shane Valez PG Northwestern State 129-132 119 2242 1126 115 247 4 189 826 393 47.6 396 162 40.9 62.9
* Bolded players are currently active.
Minimum Requirements:
  • 300 FGA to qualify for FG%
  • 100 FG3A to qualify for 3Pt%
  • 200 FTA to qualify for FT%