Record: 0-0 Conference: MVC Coach: Sim AI Prestige: C RPI: 0 SOS: 0
Division I - Normal, IL
Homecourt: C+
Home: 0-0 Away: 0-0
AVG 611
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Name Year Pos School Sn. GP Min Pts Reb Ast Blk Stl FGA FGM FG% 3PtA 3PtM 3Pt% FT%
1. Donald Mitchell SG Illinois State 134-137 120 2670 1559 129 432 0 113 1065 505 47.4 842 386 45.8 72.8
2. Kevin Dover SF Illinois State 4-7 118 3359 1496 438 252 17 142 1120 508 45.4 588 222 37.8 61.6
3. Stephen Clifton SG Illinois State 20-23 108 3241 1456 125 277 6 110 1120 488 43.6 550 214 38.9 66.3
4. Gary Brobst PF Illinois State 95-98 119 3329 1455 732 190 86 89 1089 526 48.3 241 84 34.9 70.6
5. Albert Camper C Illinois State 4-7 117 3418 1433 1001 64 103 159 1041 529 50.8 28 5 17.9 74.4
6. Ramiro Gonzalez PG Illinois State 135-139 119 2831 1381 210 363 1 114 980 490 50.0 548 242 44.2 65.4
7. Kevin Linn SF Illinois State 88-91 124 3090 1364 372 224 32 86 979 464 47.4 417 158 37.9 77.0
8. Jeremy Bosserman SG Illinois State 37-40 114 3089 1343 205 291 23 100 1099 464 42.2 705 262 37.2 65.9
9. Benjamin Eubanks SG Illinois State 123-126 113 2749 1323 243 307 4 108 939 416 44.3 787 326 41.4 78.9
10. Joe Copple SF Illinois State 12-15 109 2833 1278 269 103 8 72 1048 439 41.9 573 202 35.3 58.8
11. Harold Hayes PG Illinois State 42-45 113 2885 1270 265 333 5 94 1063 455 42.8 503 180 35.8 63.8
12. Charles Chapman SF Illinois State 8-11 111 3238 1262 302 194 12 83 1014 414 40.8 559 203 36.3 79.1
13. Victor French SG Illinois State 16-19 116 2780 1238 111 234 1 110 895 405 45.3 510 219 42.9 68.8
14. Michael Koerwitz SG Illinois State 66-69 119 2991 1228 260 411 6 88 876 406 46.3 614 262 42.7 73.3
15. Bobby Morris C Illinois State 37-40 114 2755 1227 764 45 213 53 998 478 47.9 3 0 0.0 70.4
16. David Ackerman C Illinois State 8-11 111 3106 1211 776 84 83 129 919 441 48.0 11 0 0.0 68.3
17. Anthony Cooney PF Illinois State 8-11 111 3054 1182 714 110 52 104 922 459 49.8 31 3 9.7 71.1
18. Jay Peters C Illinois State 43-46 111 2605 1165 906 88 120 42 880 448 50.9 11 3 27.3 77.8
19. Thomas Stokes SF Illinois State 118-121 108 2241 1164 304 159 8 122 890 399 44.8 402 149 37.1 79.5
20. Alexei Tomaszewski SG Illinois State 141-144 113 2320 1153 220 200 12 142 840 377 44.9 431 172 39.9 76.9
21. Charles Leiker SF Illinois State 113-117 113 2348 1153 393 146 22 123 848 406 47.9 372 149 40.1 70.3
22. Travis Nolan SF Illinois State 58-61 112 2494 1136 432 118 37 101 784 390 49.7 39 11 28.2 72.0
23. John Citizen PG Illinois State 94-98 119 2952 1135 227 345 6 107 817 368 45.0 529 228 43.1 67.9
24. Curtis Brady SF Illinois State 16-19 116 2717 1130 277 95 15 87 908 393 43.3 399 143 35.8 71.5
25. Zachary Eaddy SG Illinois State 40-43 114 2486 1128 401 169 16 55 802 359 44.8 481 204 42.4 83.4
* Bolded players are currently active.
Minimum Requirements:
  • 300 FGA to qualify for FG%
  • 100 FG3A to qualify for 3Pt%
  • 200 FTA to qualify for FT%