Record: 0-0 Conference: MEAC Coach: Sim AI Prestige: D- RPI: 0 SOS: 0
Division I - Dover, DE
Homecourt: C+
Home: 0-0 Away: 0-0
AVG 612
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Name Year Pos School Sn. GP Min Pts Reb Ast Blk Stl FGA FGM FG% 3PtA 3PtM 3Pt% FT%
1. John McCloud PG Delaware State 102-105 120 2394 1566 146 423 2 211 1056 503 47.6 315 124 39.4 76.4
2. Ivan Dunneback PG Delaware State 125-128 116 2212 1524 98 362 1 169 1010 510 50.5 525 240 45.7 81.2
3. Matthew Tadlock PF Delaware State 53-56 114 3291 1329 887 78 125 89 1022 508 49.7 102 32 31.4 66.3
4. Paul Winston SG Delaware State 91-94 110 2350 1311 219 249 0 166 955 430 45.0 357 124 34.7 77.1
5. John Diedrich SF Delaware State 102-105 120 2601 1310 432 202 16 156 988 477 48.3 149 42 28.2 68.3
6. Earl Rios C Delaware State 8-11 110 2838 1284 747 56 65 89 1060 487 45.9 0 0 0.0 62.1
7. Arthur Terry SF Delaware State 24-27 112 3071 1269 416 107 26 86 1142 425 37.2 634 193 30.4 68.5
8. Victor Thompson SF Delaware State 44-47 108 3165 1267 282 227 11 117 997 439 44.0 623 246 39.5 69.8
9. Richard Brooks SF Delaware State 16-19 113 2826 1262 452 75 27 77 930 413 44.4 498 206 41.4 74.2
10. Thomas Warren SG Delaware State 85-89 90 1990 1243 290 206 15 81 796 414 52.0 496 236 47.6 77.8
11. Michael Zand C Delaware State 16-19 113 2756 1237 770 43 90 69 896 434 48.4 9 0 0.0 69.1
12. Nick Savino SF Delaware State 83-86 111 2947 1226 305 204 34 78 926 433 46.8 503 212 42.1 71.8
13. Harold Pitre PF Delaware State 8-11 110 2872 1210 743 149 77 121 935 464 49.6 2 0 0.0 62.4
14. Terry Fink SF Delaware State 114-117 116 2458 1201 299 109 12 122 908 394 43.4 424 158 37.3 75.0
15. Nicky Jones SF Delaware State 28-31 111 2922 1191 508 90 58 70 1043 420 40.3 595 199 33.4 67.6
16. Edward Sydow SG Delaware State 99-102 114 2174 1171 244 156 6 138 896 412 46.0 206 68 33.0 67.4
17. Robert O'Brien PF Delaware State 3-6 107 2705 1162 785 69 76 107 863 441 51.1 33 3 9.1 78.7
18. Fred Moye SF Delaware State 54-57 114 3032 1155 424 137 45 100 853 398 46.7 319 120 37.6 76.6
19. Victor Leflore SF Delaware State 47-50 114 2745 1155 450 180 22 70 891 399 44.8 351 122 34.8 79.1
20. William Edwards SG Delaware State 47-50 114 2892 1147 283 243 4 103 911 373 40.9 623 244 39.2 78.5
21. Dallas Gagner PG Delaware State 97-100 111 2043 1139 266 173 1 159 781 368 47.1 21 5 23.8 76.8
22. Tim Labrie SG Delaware State 49-52 115 2481 1137 189 151 2 82 873 388 44.4 461 181 39.3 67.9
23. John Yelverton SG Delaware State 115-118 118 2344 1136 215 172 3 174 869 377 43.4 364 122 33.5 74.9
24. David Jones SG Delaware State 133-136 112 2387 1127 287 223 2 166 877 386 44.0 293 89 30.4 68.7
25. Elwood Kennedy SF Delaware State 87-91 87 2319 1123 487 207 36 99 817 385 47.1 445 174 39.1 77.5
* Bolded players are currently active.
Minimum Requirements:
  • 300 FGA to qualify for FG%
  • 100 FG3A to qualify for 3Pt%
  • 200 FTA to qualify for FT%