Record: 0-0 Conference: Southern Coach: Sim AI Prestige: D RPI: 0 SOS: 0
Division I - Charleston, SC
Homecourt: C+
Home: 0-0 Away: 0-0
AVG 615
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Name Year Pos School Sn. GP Min Pts Reb Ast Blk Stl FGA FGM FG% 3PtA 3PtM 3Pt% FT%
1. Emmanuel Huddleston PF The Citadel 6-9 122 4119 1784 1212 162 170 110 1255 660 52.6 35 7 20.0 69.6
2. Michael Thomas SF The Citadel 6-9 122 3676 1643 728 226 23 104 1216 535 44.0 613 215 35.1 77.0
3. Joseph Rogers PF The Citadel 10-13 114 3737 1634 1136 133 145 64 1161 583 50.2 42 8 19.0 80.6
4. Leopoldo Ellis SF The Citadel 2-5 111 3067 1625 541 167 20 88 1178 618 52.5 446 162 36.3 57.0
5. Freddie Wagner SF The Citadel 10-13 114 3453 1598 509 203 18 79 1153 512 44.4 635 243 38.3 76.4
6. Melvin Boutte SF The Citadel 15-18 114 3442 1598 541 206 31 103 1187 527 44.4 466 175 37.6 73.8
7. Richard Puleo SG The Citadel 98-101 115 2702 1529 302 275 7 104 999 505 50.6 460 218 47.4 77.2
8. Dana Clement SG The Citadel 107-110 112 2863 1483 272 279 3 100 1040 511 49.1 516 223 43.2 69.4
9. John Knight SG The Citadel 115-118 114 2632 1444 163 323 0 96 1007 512 50.8 412 189 45.9 66.8
10. Wade Bell C The Citadel 3-6 112 3410 1420 1035 92 156 109 1012 565 55.8 27 8 29.6 69.5
11. Robert Vanetten PG The Citadel 60-63 116 2858 1410 161 327 2 186 985 454 46.1 491 205 41.8 78.0
12. Gan Xiong SG The Citadel 18-21 111 3538 1355 221 307 0 95 959 435 45.4 613 261 42.6 60.5
13. Charles Cox SF The Citadel 28-31 112 3121 1334 380 126 13 86 1111 463 41.7 646 243 37.6 67.6
14. Johnnie Hartsock PG The Citadel 140-143 112 3185 1325 153 505 0 110 914 447 48.9 507 227 44.8 68.7
15. Allen Litten SF The Citadel 48-51 114 2588 1324 286 144 17 120 1022 462 45.2 396 140 35.4 75.4
16. James Wallace C The Citadel 14-17 113 2907 1311 910 66 110 59 903 475 52.6 18 3 16.7 72.8
17. Frank Emerson SG The Citadel 121-124 112 2526 1296 223 279 1 88 898 413 46.0 475 206 43.4 80.0
18. Mark Klein PF The Citadel 107-110 112 2781 1277 678 103 73 84 947 455 48.0 320 120 37.5 74.0
19. Arthur Knuth SF The Citadel 32-35 111 2820 1267 320 162 30 67 1026 437 42.6 618 235 38.0 64.0
20. Jason Basile SG The Citadel 102-105 110 2463 1225 322 209 2 96 865 414 47.9 351 142 40.5 73.9
21. Jeremy Cotta SF The Citadel 127-130 109 2771 1223 313 136 24 99 888 409 46.1 280 95 33.9 78.7
22. James Russell PG The Citadel 104-107 111 2627 1221 236 320 2 113 862 407 47.2 390 161 41.3 72.8
23. William Day SG The Citadel 93-96 115 2781 1221 412 218 1 102 860 415 48.3 441 194 44.0 73.8
24. James Winbush SG The Citadel 64-68 121 2667 1217 208 354 0 169 841 410 48.8 305 122 40.0 71.2
25. Paul Stinson PG The Citadel 46-49 118 2682 1207 159 290 1 157 869 377 43.4 561 221 39.4 76.1
* Bolded players are currently active.
Minimum Requirements:
  • 300 FGA to qualify for FG%
  • 100 FG3A to qualify for 3Pt%
  • 200 FTA to qualify for FT%