Record: 12-15 Conference: N.Atlantic Coach: Sim AI Prestige: C- RPI: 225 SOS: 241
Division III - Waterville, ME
Homecourt: D
Home: 6-7 Away: 6-8
AVG 510
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Name Year Pos School Sn. GP Min Pts Reb Ast Blk Stl FGA FGM FG% 3PtA 3PtM 3Pt% FT%
1. Richard Valentin SG Thomas 131-134 113 2970 1646 185 339 1 129 1122 533 47.5 636 267 42.0 79.8
2. David Heller C Thomas 13-16 105 2985 1591 936 107 78 166 1170 597 51.0 0 0 0.0 71.5
3. Steven Johnson SG Thomas 123-126 118 2970 1501 426 185 3 120 1057 484 45.8 516 218 42.2 73.8
4. Gary Ross SG Thomas 28-31 110 3061 1421 328 260 40 78 1031 445 43.2 836 328 39.2 79.0
5. Mike Tyree SG Thomas 135-138 109 2497 1415 165 236 2 130 988 481 48.7 629 282 44.8 65.3
6. John Zerzan SG Thomas 143-146 112 2712 1409 215 280 3 118 1009 485 48.1 556 240 43.2 73.4
7. Jason Goodnight SF Thomas 44-47 112 3165 1352 509 85 51 100 1042 488 46.8 246 64 26.0 73.1
8. Michael Allen SG Thomas 24-27 115 2911 1351 301 232 22 134 1067 423 39.6 648 224 34.6 80.5
9. Maurice Hudson PG Thomas 13-16 110 2994 1349 158 425 7 85 1108 434 39.2 835 308 36.9 66.8
10. Ralph Reuter SG Thomas 63-66 108 2511 1342 180 232 5 79 953 452 47.4 609 270 44.3 77.4
11. Francis Staggers PG Thomas 58-61 119 2927 1328 114 503 1 138 876 427 48.7 492 222 45.1 80.0
12. Phillip Stern SF Thomas 70-73 115 2873 1283 391 152 26 67 968 490 50.6 150 42 28.0 74.1
13. Ellis Mortenson PG Thomas 91-94 110 2632 1278 129 425 2 130 841 422 50.2 559 270 48.3 72.2
14. Stephen Ramey SG Thomas 12-15 111 2921 1248 320 297 20 97 955 386 40.4 730 279 38.2 62.7
15. Robert Rhodes SF Thomas 1-4 107 2898 1242 327 104 2 113 1095 423 38.6 429 154 35.9 77.1
16. William Jacob SF Thomas 17-20 87 2536 1231 410 124 14 89 888 407 45.8 323 131 40.6 77.1
17. Leif Klein PG Thomas 99-102 109 2648 1222 196 398 4 143 847 381 45.0 458 177 38.6 79.1
18. Daniel Blanchard PG Thomas 103-106 110 2589 1189 115 450 1 125 764 355 46.5 289 104 36.0 83.9
19. Harold Carroll SG Thomas 95-98 108 2467 1186 102 225 2 77 824 397 48.2 463 199 43.0 72.6
20. Kevin Terpstra PF Thomas 20-23 111 2964 1185 894 13 81 87 1027 427 41.6 198 55 27.8 66.5
21. Kenton Broussard PF Thomas 51-54 118 3023 1171 726 67 99 106 872 438 50.2 84 17 20.2 71.5
22. Jerry Clinkscales SG Thomas 76-79 110 2715 1168 259 291 0 97 857 386 45.0 610 262 43.0 68.0
23. Roman Cardenas SG Thomas 47-50 112 2700 1166 132 283 2 127 886 384 43.3 675 281 41.6 63.6
24. Robert Tedeschi SF Thomas 48-51 113 2782 1148 354 220 6 100 855 425 49.7 125 30 24.0 72.4
25. Dale McGuire SF Thomas 102-105 110 2704 1140 395 169 11 84 851 381 44.8 562 240 42.7 71.5
* Bolded players are currently active.
Minimum Requirements:
  • 300 FGA to qualify for FG%
  • 100 FG3A to qualify for 3Pt%
  • 200 FTA to qualify for FT%