Record: 12-15 Conference: ODAC Coach: Sim AI Prestige: C- RPI: 193 SOS: 128
Division III - Ashland, VA
Homecourt: D
Home: 6-7 Away: 6-8
AVG 543
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Name Year Pos School Sn. GP Min Pts Reb Ast Blk Stl FGA FGM FG% 3PtA 3PtM 3Pt% FT%
1. Michael Kissell C Randolph-Macon 91-94 131 3161 2145 937 37 172 101 1466 822 56.1 4 0 0.0 64.1
2. David McGahey SG Randolph-Macon 86-90 130 3118 2063 371 248 11 131 1419 679 47.9 659 273 41.4 74.0
3. Thomas Becker SF Randolph-Macon 83-87 129 2801 1912 486 268 47 120 1184 646 54.6 3 0 0.0 77.4
4. Henry Purser PF Randolph-Macon 126-130 122 3420 1801 907 134 140 94 1394 674 48.4 173 47 27.2 67.1
5. Edward James SG Randolph-Macon 80-84 122 3147 1792 343 314 3 123 1304 612 46.9 466 160 34.3 71.5
6. George Moors SG Randolph-Macon 48-51 114 3209 1702 153 318 2 127 1187 552 46.5 583 251 43.1 81.6
7. Peter Warner PG Randolph-Macon 131-134 118 3104 1702 115 235 1 115 1280 566 44.2 838 342 40.8 75.5
8. Ryan King PG Randolph-Macon 98-102 124 2764 1610 230 326 5 128 1081 521 48.2 765 353 46.1 73.9
9. Tommie Perkins C Randolph-Macon 111-114 124 3111 1584 803 104 151 94 1137 604 53.1 2 0 0.0 66.9
10. Eddie Willson PG Randolph-Macon 62-65 115 2776 1583 180 270 11 126 1056 513 48.6 734 337 45.9 70.7
11. Billy Hurd SF Randolph-Macon 95-98 122 3422 1574 831 327 94 134 1132 588 51.9 37 8 21.6 63.8
12. Mark Stewart C Randolph-Macon 11-14 110 3076 1562 880 10 110 97 1208 607 50.2 0 0 0.0 49.4
13. George Leone PF Randolph-Macon 116-119 127 3213 1556 767 102 99 93 1168 617 52.8 124 36 29.0 65.1
14. Richard Leong PF Randolph-Macon 72-76 122 2672 1546 578 112 133 84 1086 595 54.8 15 2 13.3 65.4
15. David Braun PG Randolph-Macon 81-85 122 2801 1532 172 303 1 117 1110 506 45.6 663 279 42.1 68.5
16. Frank Nelson PG Randolph-Macon 106-109 126 3419 1520 205 416 8 166 1190 522 43.9 487 168 34.5 70.6
17. William Skinner SG Randolph-Macon 121-125 124 2782 1515 251 148 15 82 1162 505 43.5 1066 439 41.2 60.0
18. Paul Frohberg PF Randolph-Macon 97-100 124 2983 1513 690 154 68 103 1015 568 56.0 30 7 23.3 74.7
19. John Podgurski PG Randolph-Macon 63-66 123 2751 1451 141 483 1 140 920 451 49.0 540 240 44.4 72.2
20. Charles Barlow SG Randolph-Macon 100-104 123 2723 1446 344 222 9 115 1023 505 49.4 463 205 44.3 76.7
21. Arthur Perry SF Randolph-Macon 119-123 123 3035 1443 389 211 38 128 1052 495 47.1 418 141 33.7 73.8
22. Charles Dubois SG Randolph-Macon 32-35 112 3132 1442 266 267 18 142 1145 504 44.0 504 203 40.3 71.7
23. Joe Clemons SF Randolph-Macon 87-91 127 2810 1425 348 108 37 99 1000 530 53.0 127 49 38.6 59.4
24. Charles Elton SG Randolph-Macon 117-120 122 2297 1419 137 209 3 106 1023 473 46.2 793 341 43.0 70.2
25. Charles Baker PG Randolph-Macon 75-79 126 3090 1394 180 441 1 177 933 457 49.0 17 2 11.8 72.1
* Bolded players are currently active.
Minimum Requirements:
  • 300 FGA to qualify for FG%
  • 100 FG3A to qualify for 3Pt%
  • 200 FTA to qualify for FT%