Record: 23-6 Conference: ODAC Coach: AverageGuy22 Prestige: B RPI: 38 SOS: 62
Division III - Emory, VA
Homecourt: C-
Home: 12-1 Away: 11-5
AVG 619
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Name Year Pos School Sn. GP Min Pts Reb Ast Blk Stl FGA FGM FG% 3PtA 3PtM 3Pt% FT%
1. Donald Filipski PG Emory and Henry 141-144 118 3245 1541 427 465 3 235 1154 537 46.5 313 103 32.9 72.7
2. Eddie Brown SG Emory and Henry 140-143 117 2931 1538 176 186 3 147 1129 502 44.5 747 294 39.4 75.9
3. Antonio Constantine SG Emory and Henry 74-77 112 2977 1522 162 269 3 129 1053 493 46.8 794 348 43.8 71.2
4. Nicholas Farr PF Emory and Henry 123-126 110 2749 1491 507 70 51 78 1423 565 39.7 52 14 26.9 70.4
5. Stefan Marino SF Emory and Henry 140-143 117 2906 1457 267 259 7 112 1198 488 40.7 1045 397 38.0 67.7
6. Arthur Madden PG Emory and Henry 49-52 119 2428 1455 154 312 2 179 1066 501 47.0 284 95 33.5 67.9
7. Michael Noel SG Emory and Henry 146-149 124 2464 1448 99 436 0 155 1024 461 45.0 912 390 42.8 81.4
8. Thomas Arechiga SG Emory and Henry 62-65 114 2983 1447 231 163 1 130 1074 467 43.5 797 317 39.8 68.5
9. George Robinson SF Emory and Henry 108-111 116 2663 1434 482 163 31 114 1071 489 45.7 584 236 40.4 78.0
10. Arron Albro SG Emory and Henry 117-120 118 2600 1429 152 207 6 152 1225 486 39.7 633 213 33.6 74.8
11. Patrick Williams PG Emory and Henry 146-149 123 2347 1408 255 280 14 172 908 463 51.0 277 112 40.4 73.4
12. Robert Linke PG Emory and Henry 147-150 124 2317 1363 112 421 0 154 1021 464 45.4 570 226 39.6 71.6
13. Rodney Sung PF Emory and Henry 108-111 116 2834 1359 671 113 95 98 981 523 53.3 34 8 23.5 70.9
14. Steven Ryan PG Emory and Henry 144-147 124 2656 1337 269 382 2 196 991 453 45.7 663 276 41.6 66.0
15. George Bryan C Emory and Henry 4-7 121 2899 1328 1195 53 113 91 1042 502 48.2 41 6 14.6 59.4
16. Nathan Levey SG Emory and Henry 28-32 110 2838 1282 285 376 34 78 962 422 43.9 639 259 40.5 69.4
17. Mark Jones SG Emory and Henry 54-57 116 3119 1272 398 233 5 117 920 423 46.0 629 278 44.2 72.9
18. Richard Brennan SG Emory and Henry 1-4 119 3386 1271 174 336 3 116 916 379 41.4 476 198 41.6 88.2
19. Rob Chandler PG Emory and Henry 108-111 116 2363 1259 124 276 4 83 927 404 43.6 586 238 40.6 84.5
20. Daniel Rotz SF Emory and Henry 53-56 115 3086 1259 370 155 38 124 956 438 45.8 261 87 33.3 74.6
21. John Lemond PF Emory and Henry 12-16 110 2791 1254 686 13 44 108 1027 458 44.6 38 8 21.1 66.0
22. Daniel Braxton PG Emory and Henry 19-22 105 3196 1252 195 539 1 95 960 423 44.1 502 201 40.0 68.6
23. Thomas Conway C Emory and Henry 28-31 112 2490 1245 752 56 60 62 975 481 49.3 23 5 21.7 63.0
24. Chris Aaron SF Emory and Henry 114-118 118 2754 1234 436 161 26 131 1026 437 42.6 446 149 33.4 67.4
25. Douglas Kay PG Emory and Henry 44-48 121 2200 1224 79 229 2 108 866 437 50.5 336 149 44.3 69.3
* Bolded players are currently active.
Minimum Requirements:
  • 300 FGA to qualify for FG%
  • 100 FG3A to qualify for 3Pt%
  • 200 FTA to qualify for FT%