Record: 18-11 Conference: Midwest Coach: Sim AI Prestige: C- RPI: 153 SOS: 330
Division III - Monmouth, IL
Homecourt: D+
Home: 10-3 Away: 8-8
AVG 544
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Name Year Pos School Sn. GP Min Pts Reb Ast Blk Stl FGA FGM FG% 3PtA 3PtM 3Pt% FT%
1. Nathaniel Foster SF Monmouth 37-40 114 2710 2523 317 32 17 87 2001 834 41.7 1487 601 40.4 64.3
2. Al Robertson C Monmouth 17-20 110 3021 1488 918 17 110 54 1044 521 49.9 50 7 14.0 74.8
3. Paul Shively SG Monmouth 12-15 111 3482 1451 196 328 7 96 1055 439 41.6 850 340 40.0 77.2
4. William Jenkins C Monmouth 3-6 112 3460 1406 1278 85 96 77 1072 555 51.8 24 1 4.2 60.3
5. Mark Beal SF Monmouth 41-44 111 3223 1341 425 81 45 90 1193 470 39.4 707 249 35.2 69.7
6. Oswaldo Hunt C Monmouth 9-12 111 2933 1318 868 24 83 77 959 458 47.8 7 2 28.6 79.1
7. Victor Gunn SF Monmouth 99-102 114 2391 1314 319 154 43 82 898 466 51.9 352 156 44.3 67.3
8. Willie Schaefer SG Monmouth 116-119 115 2716 1295 223 287 0 119 891 436 48.9 497 231 46.5 72.5
9. Garry Barrett SG Monmouth 87-90 109 2371 1276 109 124 2 135 979 426 43.5 557 211 37.9 68.5
10. Matthew Robertson SF Monmouth 91-94 111 2403 1239 301 160 10 76 922 434 47.1 540 239 44.3 61.4
11. Ronald Huber C Monmouth 15-18 108 2796 1230 1037 109 108 60 810 439 54.2 7 0 0.0 66.7
12. Patrick Thompson SF Monmouth 3-6 112 2977 1228 504 159 4 86 1026 461 44.9 366 116 31.7 48.7
13. Sean Cavalier SF Monmouth 18-21 110 2961 1226 497 105 43 69 884 416 47.1 406 162 39.9 66.3
14. Michael Love PF Monmouth 35-38 120 2813 1214 713 24 130 111 1179 482 40.9 285 84 29.5 49.4
15. Dennis Gagne SF Monmouth 25-29 113 2873 1209 241 74 29 120 979 421 43.0 443 166 37.5 64.6
16. John Chiesa PG Monmouth 70-73 114 2315 1182 112 324 0 157 878 399 45.4 503 204 40.6 68.4
17. Glenn Gurley SG Monmouth 53-56 112 2247 1181 184 155 2 166 914 400 43.8 437 157 35.9 72.7
18. George Brummett SF Monmouth 103-106 113 2706 1180 243 192 20 101 917 413 45.0 366 132 36.1 67.5
19. Elroy Scates SF Monmouth 111-114 111 2575 1154 244 109 21 92 880 407 46.3 311 116 37.3 66.1
20. Michael Hymes PG Monmouth 62-65 112 2435 1153 99 359 2 150 831 378 45.5 526 219 41.6 70.9
21. Scott Thomas SG Monmouth 79-82 115 2213 1150 160 247 2 136 767 354 46.2 557 242 43.4 76.6
22. Terry Braun PG Monmouth 95-98 108 2266 1145 177 290 3 109 727 349 48.0 356 162 45.5 81.9
23. Charles Schroth SG Monmouth 108-111 111 2405 1139 186 218 0 72 829 381 46.0 465 196 42.2 68.0
24. Fred Durant SG Monmouth 119-122 113 2481 1110 113 213 2 72 779 355 45.6 515 219 42.5 76.7
25. Charlie Doyle SG Monmouth 15-18 110 3093 1109 201 372 7 88 844 356 42.2 575 222 38.6 64.1
* Bolded players are currently active.
Minimum Requirements:
  • 300 FGA to qualify for FG%
  • 100 FG3A to qualify for 3Pt%
  • 200 FTA to qualify for FT%