Record: 26-4 Conference: ASC Coach: bonjamesbond Prestige: A+ RPI: 35 SOS: 114
Division III - Richardson, TX
Homecourt: C
Home: 12-1 Away: 14-3
AVG 676
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Name Year Pos School Sn. GP Min Pts Reb Ast Blk Stl FGA FGM FG% 3PtA 3PtM 3Pt% FT%
1. Michael Burgoyne SG Texas, Dallas 54-57 135 2390 1900 272 265 7 185 1307 608 46.5 1108 493 44.5 77.6
2. Timothy Dickson PG Texas, Dallas 48-51 130 2407 1607 139 454 2 190 1121 529 47.2 980 442 45.1 74.8
3. David Adan SG Texas, Dallas 59-62 129 2318 1538 208 248 4 161 1098 500 45.5 990 440 44.4 69.0
4. Vincent Wycoff PG Texas, Dallas 49-53 135 2843 1498 206 254 9 205 1116 504 45.2 335 112 33.4 75.8
5. Scott Oliver PF Texas, Dallas 12-15 114 2970 1455 986 111 126 80 1153 516 44.8 32 8 25.0 65.9
6. Ted Perkins C Texas, Dallas 50-54 135 2480 1437 692 72 147 77 1021 529 51.8 2 0 0.0 74.9
7. Kevin Audette SG Texas, Dallas 23-26 118 3172 1408 314 366 20 113 1100 473 43.0 742 288 38.8 58.4
8. James Barnhart PG Texas, Dallas 43-46 123 2319 1354 277 296 2 151 939 431 45.9 527 203 38.5 73.9
9. Paul Schweiger PG Texas, Dallas 67-70 126 2821 1328 316 270 6 201 816 428 52.5 7 0 0.0 76.9
10. Gene Richard SF Texas, Dallas 48-51 130 2613 1321 440 245 28 155 953 443 46.5 585 238 40.7 72.7
11. Dennis Brayton PG Texas, Dallas 48-51 130 2547 1313 232 378 1 186 877 424 48.3 270 103 38.1 77.8
12. Bryan Burch SG Texas, Dallas 147-151 128 2664 1307 269 434 1 173 842 412 48.9 384 155 40.4 80.6
13. Steven Summer SG Texas, Dallas 144-148 127 2678 1289 390 310 15 190 681 398 58.4 8 0 0.0 82.3
14. Ryan Martineau PG Texas, Dallas 51-54 135 2472 1275 224 368 4 191 932 426 45.7 378 148 39.2 70.7
15. Robert Evans SG Texas, Dallas 107-111 125 2500 1270 194 345 4 142 860 413 48.0 630 287 45.6 73.0
16. Quinton Davis SG Texas, Dallas 44-47 128 2137 1267 89 223 7 112 858 406 47.3 599 270 45.1 71.4
17. Samuel Hall PF Texas, Dallas 8-11 111 2740 1251 734 59 52 89 1002 493 49.2 25 4 16.0 57.9
18. Arthur Jones SG Texas, Dallas 12-15 114 3002 1245 49 277 6 115 977 401 41.0 628 246 39.2 63.3
19. Aaron Camire PG Texas, Dallas 127-131 128 2506 1245 174 437 2 159 990 415 41.9 539 191 35.4 70.9
20. Joseph Sterling C Texas, Dallas 85-89 121 2760 1235 880 87 93 99 839 466 55.5 5 0 0.0 69.2
21. William Moore SF Texas, Dallas 115-119 130 2667 1235 634 127 102 117 897 462 51.5 201 75 37.3 57.6
22. Paul Begaye C Texas, Dallas 9-12 109 2834 1231 792 85 75 79 954 466 48.8 13 1 7.7 64.1
23. Jeffrey Ceronsky PG Texas, Dallas 75-78 123 2257 1228 167 262 2 188 809 403 49.8 549 242 44.1 69.0
24. Joel Edwards PG Texas, Dallas 52-55 135 2709 1223 159 463 3 231 858 410 47.8 6 1 16.7 73.4
25. Larry Husby C Texas, Dallas 14-17 117 2903 1222 766 13 75 135 888 425 47.9 1 0 0.0 77.0
* Bolded players are currently active.
Minimum Requirements:
  • 300 FGA to qualify for FG%
  • 100 FG3A to qualify for 3Pt%
  • 200 FTA to qualify for FT%