Record: 10-18 Conference: USA South Coach: Sim AI Prestige: C- RPI: 248 SOS: 149
Division III - Winchester, VA
Homecourt: D
Home: 5-9 Away: 5-9
AVG 504
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Name Year Pos School Sn. GP Min Pts Reb Ast Blk Stl FGA FGM FG% 3PtA 3PtM 3Pt% FT%
1. Roderick Greenlee PG Shenandoah 78-81 137 2386 1865 93 296 1 205 1251 597 47.7 417 178 42.7 82.4
2. Brian Montgomery SG Shenandoah 86-89 113 2416 1848 108 196 2 145 1572 617 39.2 992 362 36.5 72.8
3. John Noriega PG Shenandoah 76-79 130 2248 1667 120 344 1 162 1142 536 46.9 4 0 0.0 76.7
4. Jeff Thurlow PG Shenandoah 76-79 130 2631 1648 209 282 4 178 1108 549 49.5 11 0 0.0 74.9
5. Dana Jordan C Shenandoah 53-56 103 2978 1589 720 23 82 39 1661 657 39.6 1 0 0.0 63.2
6. David Adams SG Shenandoah 16-19 109 3503 1510 95 321 6 181 1157 523 45.2 698 279 40.0 58.5
7. Brian Elizalde PG Shenandoah 68-71 126 2357 1498 202 355 2 200 1003 485 48.4 4 1 25.0 76.2
8. Gary Wilson PG Shenandoah 84-87 118 2504 1487 111 269 6 156 1296 522 40.3 689 245 35.6 61.1
9. George Welch SG Shenandoah 56-59 111 2870 1467 176 256 3 122 998 472 47.3 464 190 40.9 85.4
10. William Wallace PG Shenandoah 80-83 133 2465 1442 197 352 3 184 993 453 45.6 708 307 43.4 70.9
11. Bradley Jones PF Shenandoah 27-30 116 2434 1384 785 57 83 108 956 485 50.7 17 7 41.2 70.8
12. Sean Briseno SG Shenandoah 50-53 119 2815 1378 303 267 13 179 1016 442 43.5 329 113 34.3 78.1
13. Roger Moss PG Shenandoah 78-81 137 2733 1377 417 125 28 191 894 468 52.3 7 0 0.0 70.7
14. Michael Brokaw SG Shenandoah 40-43 125 2568 1353 355 134 58 215 939 494 52.6 372 165 44.4 65.4
15. Matthew Mansfield SG Shenandoah 74-77 131 2301 1341 213 291 2 129 1010 443 43.9 230 72 31.3 76.0
16. Jack Williford PG Shenandoah 72-75 130 2363 1313 187 401 1 176 996 410 41.2 160 36 22.5 79.8
17. Daniel Johnson PF Shenandoah 1-4 110 3043 1309 812 126 130 114 1121 460 41.0 129 24 18.6 67.2
18. Stephen Pennington SG Shenandoah 64-67 112 2690 1285 181 202 2 82 934 423 45.3 379 149 39.3 79.0
19. Michael Christopherso C Shenandoah 6-9 110 3133 1280 1014 39 112 86 1211 489 40.4 17 1 5.9 62.1
20. James Forester SG Shenandoah 41-45 123 2590 1264 358 356 7 185 911 460 50.5 149 57 38.3 69.5
21. John Nilson SG Shenandoah 68-71 126 1882 1258 203 236 3 169 935 414 44.3 2 0 0.0 71.9
22. Gary Judd PG Shenandoah 45-49 116 2468 1251 141 432 2 183 867 421 48.6 15 1 6.7 74.2
23. Manuel Lewis PG Shenandoah 80-83 133 2268 1238 202 260 9 188 774 410 53.0 98 42 42.9 75.5
24. Russell Pendleton SG Shenandoah 39-42 130 2742 1236 241 224 34 157 920 436 47.4 480 205 42.7 54.5
25. Curtis Byrd PG Shenandoah 45-48 115 2244 1223 183 219 2 173 846 399 47.2 394 160 40.6 71.6
* Bolded players are currently active.
Minimum Requirements:
  • 300 FGA to qualify for FG%
  • 100 FG3A to qualify for 3Pt%
  • 200 FTA to qualify for FT%