Record: 16-13 Conference: Upstate Coach: Sim AI Prestige: C RPI: 133 SOS: 119
Division III - Waltham, MA
Homecourt: D
Home: 9-5 Away: 7-8
AVG 537
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Name Year Pos School Sn. GP Min Pts Reb Ast Blk Stl FGA FGM FG% 3PtA 3PtM 3Pt% FT%
1. Terry Marcantel PF Brandeis 2-5 113 3371 1437 765 137 51 149 1148 568 49.5 66 11 16.7 56.8
2. Joshua Slonski PG Brandeis 51-54 114 2648 1342 195 215 2 203 1027 420 40.9 682 246 36.1 79.8
3. Milton Almon SF Brandeis 102-105 113 2527 1315 411 129 26 122 1022 468 45.8 286 82 28.7 68.1
4. Paul Mathis PG Brandeis 99-102 113 2334 1315 156 256 3 197 1005 444 44.2 607 233 38.4 67.8
5. Willie Babcock SF Brandeis 18-21 109 3027 1239 305 143 17 75 1203 459 38.2 524 183 34.9 45.8
6. Kenton Hart SF Brandeis 11-14 108 2986 1233 286 153 7 46 1006 407 40.5 646 244 37.8 60.6
7. Brett Bodiford SG Brandeis 129-132 115 2513 1214 298 198 3 179 1004 419 41.7 482 159 33.0 65.4
8. Larry Wood SG Brandeis 56-59 121 2333 1197 142 283 1 121 856 403 47.1 607 266 43.8 69.4
9. Melvin Cespedes SF Brandeis 90-93 118 2683 1192 375 169 23 121 969 438 45.2 287 81 28.2 67.5
10. Steven O'Heron PG Brandeis 115-118 115 2049 1168 85 417 1 183 800 389 48.6 286 117 40.9 73.2
11. James Osmond SG Brandeis 79-82 115 2388 1168 160 214 4 193 882 394 44.7 583 228 39.1 67.9
12. Joel Parker SF Brandeis 34-37 113 2509 1161 167 71 15 118 983 418 42.5 547 213 38.9 74.7
13. Trenton Mizell SG Brandeis 145-148 117 2026 1151 140 185 1 171 779 377 48.4 292 113 38.7 76.5
14. Nick Perkins SF Brandeis 142-145 116 2302 1150 349 111 22 130 967 383 39.6 669 242 36.2 63.7
15. Jonathan Severns SF Brandeis 78-81 115 2595 1143 275 142 13 116 875 401 45.8 179 47 26.3 74.6
16. Adam Harris PG Brandeis 55-58 121 2361 1142 183 325 2 164 828 354 42.8 618 256 41.4 78.4
17. Martin Wardle PG Brandeis 11-14 108 3384 1135 70 658 7 180 892 375 42.0 629 204 32.4 71.0
18. Elliott Harrison PG Brandeis 116-119 116 1800 1131 96 306 0 143 736 372 50.5 386 170 44.0 76.4
19. Patrick Monty PF Brandeis 142-145 116 2374 1124 658 79 97 55 867 397 45.8 159 42 26.4 76.0
20. Eddie Williams SF Brandeis 6-9 114 3436 1120 678 124 7 132 1010 427 42.3 316 111 35.1 41.1
21. Matthew Sharpe PG Brandeis 95-98 115 2233 1118 160 397 1 171 804 371 46.1 266 93 35.0 70.2
22. Larry Inman SF Brandeis 46-49 111 2296 1117 141 183 7 78 871 393 45.1 385 143 37.1 76.7
23. James Jensen SF Brandeis 118-121 114 2171 1113 289 158 19 126 841 389 46.3 347 121 34.9 77.0
24. Jeffery Humphrey SG Brandeis 2-5 103 2871 1113 564 182 27 151 968 388 40.1 313 115 36.7 60.7
25. Eric Bracero SF Brandeis 134-137 109 2145 1110 364 83 6 94 801 351 43.8 270 77 28.5 81.3
* Bolded players are currently active.
Minimum Requirements:
  • 300 FGA to qualify for FG%
  • 100 FG3A to qualify for 3Pt%
  • 200 FTA to qualify for FT%