Record: 14-14 Conference: Patriot Coach: bathtubhippo Prestige: C+ RPI: 117 SOS: 92
Division I - Burlington, VT
Homecourt: B+
Home: 7-7 Away: 7-7
AVG 682
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Name Year Pos School Sn. GP Min Pts Reb Ast Blk Stl FGA FGM FG% 3PtA 3PtM 3Pt% FT%
1. Eric Hicks SG Vermont 105-108 110 2702 1923 322 229 3 104 1399 652 46.6 721 297 41.2 72.5
2. Brian Fontenot C Vermont 95-98 118 2916 1655 873 77 155 87 1194 640 53.6 43 15 34.9 67.0
3. Ivory Olivarez SG Vermont 2-5 113 3308 1623 518 206 43 124 1030 580 56.3 311 152 48.9 83.6
4. James Smith SG Vermont 27-30 118 3230 1620 392 235 6 73 1241 502 40.5 956 360 37.7 66.3
5. John Kennedy PF Vermont 147-150 120 2607 1610 662 29 90 66 1173 589 50.2 4 0 0.0 71.3
6. George Harmon SF Vermont 55-58 118 2865 1579 618 240 33 171 1165 584 50.1 154 35 22.7 69.6
7. Wayne Butler PF Vermont 8-11 110 3342 1571 942 179 131 89 1097 591 53.9 43 12 27.9 67.2
8. Clifford Booker SF Vermont 10-13 109 3321 1558 490 214 24 82 1210 528 43.6 721 265 36.8 71.8
9. Charles Graf SF Vermont 24-27 110 3030 1548 453 149 15 118 1229 541 44.0 541 201 37.2 58.2
10. Jermaine Tindell PG Vermont 77-80 115 2738 1519 151 438 3 137 1058 505 47.7 540 223 41.3 78.8
11. Dikembe Acri SG Vermont 51-54 121 2583 1511 246 260 0 216 1174 501 42.7 538 192 35.7 77.1
12. George Wright SG Vermont 95-99 122 2415 1509 301 209 4 95 1118 511 45.7 744 321 43.1 69.7
13. Ryan Godoy SF Vermont 18-21 113 3282 1502 517 134 24 120 1143 539 47.2 455 195 42.9 64.9
14. Kelly Gill SG Vermont 96-99 122 3087 1490 391 226 12 113 1103 507 46.0 447 173 38.7 69.3
15. Boris Dupaski PG Vermont 102-105 109 2549 1486 210 372 2 87 1073 490 45.7 897 397 44.3 74.7
16. Joseph Demott C Vermont 27-30 116 2603 1480 1035 58 199 92 1097 522 47.6 3 0 0.0 70.1
17. Robert Stull C Vermont 6-9 112 3460 1476 1117 23 154 91 982 531 54.1 9 4 44.4 88.4
18. David Johnson PG Vermont 63-66 117 2164 1462 180 291 4 133 1073 489 45.6 829 353 42.6 70.1
19. Matthew Clark SG Vermont 89-92 107 2320 1440 379 137 5 82 1210 531 43.9 446 171 38.3 68.3
20. Raymond Slack SF Vermont 2-5 113 3077 1428 515 185 41 98 1031 561 54.4 224 73 32.6 65.6
21. Michael Shugart PG Vermont 55-58 118 2473 1426 161 370 0 148 1043 478 45.8 774 336 43.4 66.7
22. Jack Anthony PF Vermont 27-30 118 2613 1414 947 31 119 103 1086 516 47.5 184 59 32.1 64.9
23. Wayne Vickers SG Vermont 109-112 113 2597 1410 208 243 2 91 1053 491 46.6 601 250 41.6 65.7
24. Troy Chambers C Vermont 76-79 114 2380 1403 831 53 86 69 1094 558 51.0 29 6 20.7 67.1
25. Frank Kuhn PG Vermont 136-139 112 2661 1383 276 282 5 156 1012 462 45.7 502 191 38.0 70.3
* Bolded players are currently active.
Minimum Requirements:
  • 300 FGA to qualify for FG%
  • 100 FG3A to qualify for 3Pt%
  • 200 FTA to qualify for FT%