Record: 18-11 Conference: Sun Belt Coach: Sim AI Prestige: D RPI: 139 SOS: 274
Division I - Troy, AL
Homecourt: B-
Home: 10-3 Away: 8-8
AVG 634
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Name Year Pos School Sn. GP Min Pts Reb Ast Blk Stl FGA FGM FG% 3PtA 3PtM 3Pt% FT%
1. George Roose C Troy 23-27 111 2528 1496 868 37 194 65 984 488 49.6 2 0 0.0 73.6
2. John Burton SF Troy 4-7 109 3445 1474 486 175 14 131 1163 530 45.6 613 230 37.5 49.7
3. Michael Collier C Troy 9-12 116 3023 1391 762 32 57 141 1002 494 49.3 2 0 0.0 72.0
4. George Stahlman SG Troy 141-144 110 2063 1337 170 126 4 86 976 423 43.3 825 347 42.1 79.1
5. Kyle Stewart SF Troy 62-65 114 2950 1317 480 153 41 91 1076 467 43.4 530 196 37.0 63.0
6. Charles Large SG Troy 74-77 114 2998 1316 240 305 0 107 965 443 45.9 527 218 41.4 78.2
7. Leonard Anderson SG Troy 144-147 114 2469 1277 187 259 2 137 987 417 42.2 779 311 39.9 69.8
8. Terry Hogan PG Troy 133-136 115 2329 1273 143 407 2 149 876 408 46.6 455 185 40.7 78.2
9. Jacob Graboski PF Troy 144-147 114 2434 1243 561 67 55 80 915 464 50.7 25 4 16.0 74.0
10. Douglas Berry SF Troy 8-11 111 3282 1230 247 209 7 131 1037 393 37.9 558 178 31.9 76.4
11. Darron Land PF Troy 26-29 113 2874 1165 715 56 109 56 815 383 47.0 0 0 0.0 78.5
12. Donald Harrison PF Troy 47-50 111 2838 1139 710 86 57 67 904 414 45.8 250 79 31.6 76.1
13. Paul Scott C Troy 1-4 108 2886 1131 595 64 120 112 893 458 51.3 63 5 7.9 53.2
14. Steven Jamison C Troy 18-21 116 2530 1123 725 60 101 59 779 395 50.7 0 0 0.0 69.1
15. Robert Larson PF Troy 2-5 108 3127 1122 695 93 124 129 970 446 46.0 148 19 12.8 50.2
16. Joseph Waller SF Troy 74-77 114 3047 1120 365 171 7 101 932 403 43.2 337 111 32.9 70.7
17. James Narvaez PF Troy 8-11 111 2628 1108 776 148 70 107 832 416 50.0 13 1 7.7 78.1
18. George Elton SG Troy 98-101 118 2503 1103 266 317 2 125 837 393 47.0 281 90 32.0 70.5
19. Richard Jennings PG Troy 55-58 111 2677 1102 143 263 1 122 789 354 44.9 589 247 41.9 73.1
20. Harold Burt SF Troy 66-69 111 2769 1095 321 140 19 105 946 374 39.5 628 235 37.4 61.5
21. Robert Lott PG Troy 112-115 111 2258 1092 209 264 4 128 838 363 43.3 497 199 40.0 72.3
22. David Ratcliff SF Troy 49-52 111 2953 1089 503 151 38 73 967 402 41.6 348 96 27.6 68.5
23. Peter Mann PG Troy 94-97 108 2035 1086 145 193 2 136 727 347 47.7 347 143 41.2 79.0
24. Brant Daluz SF Troy 99-102 118 2687 1083 475 227 19 124 889 408 45.9 149 32 21.5 68.7
25. Clarence Bragg PF Troy 134-137 114 2404 1081 596 156 55 61 872 411 47.1 271 86 31.7 66.5
* Bolded players are currently active.
Minimum Requirements:
  • 300 FGA to qualify for FG%
  • 100 FG3A to qualify for 3Pt%
  • 200 FTA to qualify for FT%