Record: 7-20 Conference: Big West Coach: Sim AI Prestige: D- RPI: 248 SOS: 103
Division I - Cedar City, UT
Homecourt: D+
Home: 5-9 Away: 2-11
AVG 660
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Name Year Pos School Sn. GP Min Pts Reb Ast Blk Stl FGA FGM FG% 3PtA 3PtM 3Pt% FT%
1. Mose Smith SF Southern Utah 4-7 113 3525 1620 471 183 6 105 1209 620 51.3 381 130 34.1 62.0
2. Henry Cook SF Southern Utah 18-21 111 3118 1553 479 131 22 109 1204 539 44.8 504 206 40.9 65.1
3. Garland Williams SF Southern Utah 14-17 110 2841 1526 475 178 13 72 1124 514 45.7 612 241 39.4 77.2
4. Anthony Bourland PG Southern Utah 121-124 111 2930 1524 151 372 4 115 1089 485 44.5 483 194 40.2 75.2
5. John Thaxton SG Southern Utah 87-90 109 3142 1501 177 303 1 128 1110 509 45.9 659 277 42.0 65.0
6. Thomas Stoney SG Southern Utah 95-98 110 2665 1422 263 259 2 133 998 464 46.5 541 226 41.8 73.4
7. Charles Baker PG Southern Utah 143-146 113 2697 1421 209 506 0 153 959 458 47.8 544 238 43.8 75.0
8. Raymond Coffield SF Southern Utah 92-95 115 2924 1373 464 152 49 126 968 491 50.7 120 26 21.7 72.7
9. Bennie Harris SF Southern Utah 100-103 113 2772 1366 650 246 56 114 997 478 47.9 543 226 41.6 67.4
10. Eldon Jones SG Southern Utah 144-147 115 3034 1354 240 428 3 106 988 452 45.7 398 148 37.2 73.5
11. Charles Mass PG Southern Utah 75-78 111 2908 1344 308 293 4 132 965 435 45.1 625 252 40.3 75.3
12. James Coley SG Southern Utah 136-139 112 2568 1340 183 260 2 117 920 452 49.1 478 208 43.5 70.6
13. Donnie Smith PG Southern Utah 105-109 112 2762 1306 148 504 0 131 905 413 45.6 512 223 43.6 76.5
14. John Russell SG Southern Utah 8-11 110 3303 1305 352 357 11 99 1018 407 40.0 644 221 34.3 69.8
15. Melvin Wong SG Southern Utah 91-94 115 2667 1303 257 242 7 89 966 447 46.3 485 183 37.7 71.7
16. Mitchell Davis PF Southern Utah 21-24 111 2902 1299 758 39 107 100 1053 473 44.9 135 43 31.9 66.0
17. Dima Zahran PG Southern Utah 50-53 112 2949 1288 169 302 1 130 944 411 43.5 709 288 40.6 91.3
18. Isaac Nguyen PG Southern Utah 93-96 114 2135 1284 245 193 1 90 907 438 48.3 378 160 42.3 68.7
19. Clinton Lomax PG Southern Utah 55-58 109 3372 1276 144 321 0 128 983 414 42.1 368 142 38.6 75.0
20. Billy Rowden SG Southern Utah 16-19 110 3215 1268 286 340 10 65 974 408 41.9 658 255 38.8 75.5
21. Alonso Fowler SG Southern Utah 5-8 115 3811 1264 291 345 7 146 991 462 46.6 460 180 39.1 55.7
22. Daniel Sinquefield PG Southern Utah 89-92 110 2903 1264 178 472 1 124 896 402 44.9 590 246 41.7 72.8
23. Jeffery Smith PG Southern Utah 25-29 113 2822 1259 230 340 15 144 852 391 45.9 529 200 37.8 77.2
24. George Banton SF Southern Utah 22-25 102 2971 1257 369 190 10 81 1050 438 41.7 392 143 36.5 58.0
25. Albert Ball SG Southern Utah 55-58 109 3241 1248 310 254 2 113 941 421 44.7 320 128 40.0 79.2
* Bolded players are currently active.
Minimum Requirements:
  • 300 FGA to qualify for FG%
  • 100 FG3A to qualify for 3Pt%
  • 200 FTA to qualify for FT%