Record: 21-9 Conference: Big East Coach: starrider19 Prestige: B+ RPI: 36 SOS: 44
Division I - Providence, RI
Homecourt: A+
Home: 11-3 Away: 10-6
AVG 732
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Name Year Pos School Sn. GP Min Pts Reb Ast Blk Stl FGA FGM FG% 3PtA 3PtM 3Pt% FT%
1. Glen Hampton SG Providence 91-94 120 3288 2015 338 249 1 115 1508 685 45.4 730 300 41.1 74.5
2. Julian Parker SG Providence 2-5 110 3505 1847 519 279 42 118 1258 659 52.4 431 189 43.9 81.5
3. Jeffrey Gaertner PG Providence 117-120 122 3185 1817 324 449 3 126 1276 634 49.7 450 185 41.1 71.2
4. Lawrence Matson SG Providence 96-99 127 3496 1804 405 313 14 111 1292 618 47.8 547 233 42.6 81.9
5. Darrell Corr SF Providence 110-113 121 2920 1680 531 146 67 97 1180 592 50.2 350 145 41.4 75.3
6. Samuel Dicks SG Providence 68-71 117 2915 1664 215 233 4 123 1233 559 45.3 545 224 41.1 78.0
7. Lucas McCamy PF Providence 133-137 116 3059 1640 775 103 107 107 1227 622 50.7 163 51 31.3 70.4
8. Peter Graham SG Providence 123-127 119 3191 1617 355 380 3 115 1205 543 45.1 824 341 41.4 73.1
9. Kenneth Barber PF Providence 50-53 119 2985 1585 605 129 108 100 1171 596 50.9 131 43 32.8 71.6
10. Arnold Albano SG Providence 54-57 118 3655 1560 448 305 5 128 1176 551 46.9 400 143 35.8 71.8
11. Adam Bliss PG Providence 107-110 122 3316 1539 276 408 6 122 1086 494 45.5 537 214 39.9 83.2
12. Joseph Johnson PF Providence 103-106 123 3218 1522 675 180 112 106 1087 592 54.5 1 0 0.0 66.7
13. Charles Barner SF Providence 60-63 114 3714 1518 605 189 75 137 1149 549 47.8 79 14 17.7 72.6
14. Rupert Cody SF Providence 4-7 111 3244 1489 481 173 12 97 1140 514 45.1 589 222 37.7 70.7
15. Jeffrey Ferguson C Providence 8-11 109 3391 1444 1045 62 119 93 1056 563 53.3 8 1 12.5 63.9
16. Matthew Valentine PF Providence 99-102 122 3009 1423 696 130 118 96 984 522 53.0 132 49 37.1 75.7
17. David Lepage PF Providence 1-4 108 3083 1418 568 159 141 106 1097 553 50.4 193 55 28.5 60.3
18. John Goodridge SG Providence 110-113 121 2812 1412 244 302 7 97 1022 475 46.5 603 271 44.9 71.0
19. Richard Watterson PG Providence 70-73 89 2265 1389 246 192 4 86 999 471 47.1 447 186 41.6 73.7
20. Leroy Flores SF Providence 8-11 113 3471 1378 501 285 26 70 1090 445 40.8 651 228 35.0 71.0
21. Eric Grafton C Providence 18-21 113 3007 1355 804 73 97 93 1117 484 43.3 2 0 0.0 69.4
22. Eric Coachman PF Providence 93-96 123 3048 1354 804 91 149 105 1009 527 52.2 59 23 39.0 65.5
23. Ezekiel Gordon SF Providence 43-46 120 3190 1343 447 220 38 93 1030 507 49.2 294 102 34.7 72.1
24. Robert Whaley SF Providence 12-15 112 3028 1332 359 224 17 73 965 437 45.3 562 225 40.0 73.7
25. Clarence Jackson SG Providence 49-52 119 2862 1301 326 379 5 80 921 447 48.5 432 175 40.5 73.0
* Bolded players are currently active.
Minimum Requirements:
  • 300 FGA to qualify for FG%
  • 100 FG3A to qualify for 3Pt%
  • 200 FTA to qualify for FT%