Record: 16-11 Conference: Patriot Coach: Sim AI Prestige: D RPI: 172 SOS: 305
Division I - West Hartford, CT
Homecourt: B-
Home: 8-5 Away: 8-6
AVG 656
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Name Year Pos School Sn. GP Min Pts Reb Ast Blk Stl FGA FGM FG% 3PtA 3PtM 3Pt% FT%
1. Eric Hays C Hartford 15-18 118 3322 1613 929 68 98 71 1123 569 50.7 0 0 0.0 65.0
2. Michael Whitsett SG Hartford 60-63 111 3086 1505 220 310 6 106 1168 501 42.9 860 353 41.0 72.1
3. John Jones PG Hartford 109-112 111 2760 1392 204 358 2 125 995 451 45.3 436 152 34.9 81.1
4. Marvin Castleberry PF Hartford 1-4 111 3495 1389 772 138 272 82 994 513 51.6 75 21 28.0 81.0
5. Richard Hopkins SF Hartford 1-4 106 3361 1385 618 224 67 125 998 513 51.4 234 96 41.0 69.6
6. Lucio Patrick C Hartford 7-10 109 3024 1315 946 34 133 79 973 491 50.5 14 3 21.4 78.0
7. Richard Moyle SG Hartford 100-103 109 2730 1304 318 228 3 103 942 411 43.6 620 246 39.7 84.9
8. David Matthews SG Hartford 141-144 111 2774 1301 259 304 2 127 895 455 50.8 280 109 38.9 73.2
9. Joseph Cueva SF Hartford 5-8 110 3478 1275 533 215 13 102 1020 452 44.3 419 147 35.1 66.5
10. William Sargent SF Hartford 104-107 111 2828 1258 305 184 36 95 961 455 47.3 328 116 35.4 64.8
11. Henry Whalen PF Hartford 11-13 79 2110 1256 496 43 84 45 864 423 49.0 0 0 0.0 81.0
12. Michael Carter PG Hartford 118-121 113 2274 1221 235 291 4 117 858 405 47.2 487 207 42.5 71.1
13. Archie Williams SF Hartford 111-114 109 2555 1212 292 148 18 86 947 423 44.7 483 182 37.7 65.9
14. Charles Client SG Hartford 124-127 111 2699 1188 295 185 2 111 858 391 45.6 324 117 36.1 77.9
15. Stanley Montgomery SG Hartford 133-136 110 2517 1168 308 219 11 101 856 400 46.7 415 170 41.0 75.9
16. Michael Wilber PF Hartford 21-24 118 2831 1162 695 61 122 126 887 417 47.0 1 0 0.0 69.6
17. William Elliot SG Hartford 150- 108 2640 1161 322 205 5 127 808 386 47.8 158 45 28.5 80.2
18. Herbert Baker SG Hartford 2-5 110 3119 1160 350 259 15 123 846 407 48.1 262 105 40.1 69.9
19. Jerry Dillard PG Hartford 142-145 111 2675 1155 81 380 0 95 804 407 50.6 376 169 44.9 68.8
20. Jon Binion PG Hartford 88-91 115 2325 1141 186 314 3 125 884 376 42.5 586 234 39.9 73.1
21. George Thompson PG Hartford 138-141 109 2723 1141 108 456 5 114 777 371 47.7 539 242 44.9 75.1
22. Jack Lyon PG Hartford 102-105 111 2804 1135 286 261 4 131 808 373 46.2 281 100 35.6 75.3
23. Christopher Parker C Hartford 2-5 109 2995 1134 630 109 170 96 893 474 53.1 57 15 26.3 42.2
24. Richard Mundy SG Hartford 80-83 112 2598 1118 283 162 3 147 960 399 41.6 412 130 31.6 61.9
25. Seth Betances SG Hartford 64-67 111 2979 1107 357 253 4 130 887 364 41.0 607 227 37.4 75.6
* Bolded players are currently active.
Minimum Requirements:
  • 300 FGA to qualify for FG%
  • 100 FG3A to qualify for 3Pt%
  • 200 FTA to qualify for FT%