Record: 9-18 Conference: Penn. Coach: Sim AI Prestige: C- RPI: 347 SOS: 376
Division III - Aston, PA
Homecourt: D
Home: 3-10 Away: 6-8
AVG 496
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Name Year Pos School Sn. GP Min Pts Reb Ast Blk Stl FGA FGM FG% 3PtA 3PtM 3Pt% FT%
1. Donald Tiano PG Neumann 94-97 112 2904 2081 177 281 1 122 1575 687 43.6 1303 550 42.2 71.0
2. James Powell SG Neumann 2-5 122 4184 1986 846 171 16 149 1522 722 47.4 434 169 38.9 59.7
3. Michael Lauria SG Neumann 95-98 115 2935 1865 252 204 20 113 1417 609 43.0 993 388 39.1 80.2
4. Sam Buchanan C Neumann 9-12 127 2680 1794 1033 16 131 53 1124 621 55.2 2 1 50.0 75.8
5. Joseph Lim PF Neumann 5-8 114 2572 1775 959 52 50 84 1354 697 51.5 78 23 29.5 60.7
6. Joe Ryals C Neumann 6-9 121 3253 1735 1337 39 131 155 1272 609 47.9 10 3 30.0 75.6
7. Foster Gallardo PF Neumann 9-12 127 2872 1728 1107 16 87 90 1275 592 46.4 0 0 0.0 76.8
8. Steven Sussman PF Neumann 8-11 124 2688 1620 1050 46 130 52 1027 523 50.9 0 0 0.0 79.7
9. William Warren C Neumann 13-16 122 2614 1593 1016 41 165 97 1024 540 52.7 0 0 0.0 76.1
10. Don Wright PF Neumann 45-49 108 2458 1591 653 44 105 79 1233 627 50.9 1 0 0.0 64.2
11. Darren Walker PG Neumann 96-99 119 3298 1578 232 618 5 168 1160 524 45.2 873 366 41.9 68.9
12. Fred Clark C Neumann 17-20 121 2484 1520 917 47 138 85 1022 513 50.2 0 0 0.0 78.7
13. Dennis Langley PG Neumann 100-103 121 3454 1500 187 499 2 124 1051 490 46.6 528 226 42.8 74.1
14. James Franks C Neumann 19-22 117 2547 1490 932 54 169 83 940 486 51.7 1 0 0.0 75.2
15. James Carney SG Neumann 5-8 123 3043 1442 529 265 4 122 1117 482 43.2 668 305 45.7 50.3
16. Harry Perkins C Neumann 12-15 129 2816 1428 1116 28 206 68 969 485 50.1 0 0 0.0 74.7
17. Mark Miller C Neumann 2-5 122 3862 1391 979 157 154 135 1035 508 49.1 43 3 7.0 66.3
18. Dema Zuercher C Neumann 15-18 123 2324 1391 920 31 158 76 863 434 50.3 0 0 0.0 80.6
19. Damion Duncan PF Neumann 20-23 118 2525 1387 821 21 144 74 838 437 52.1 1 0 0.0 81.3
20. Clifton Mayberry SG Neumann 130-133 113 2954 1366 292 171 3 119 1050 451 43.0 436 143 32.8 75.4
21. William Wagner PF Neumann 10-13 130 2705 1365 842 127 77 27 841 446 53.0 0 0 0.0 80.0
22. Larry Brown SG Neumann 114-117 110 2722 1347 227 281 5 97 964 453 47.0 496 198 39.9 74.8
23. Ralph Smith PF Neumann 103-106 112 2732 1324 661 86 87 78 977 519 53.1 58 18 31.0 66.0
24. Ulysses Maddox C Neumann 58-61 110 2462 1322 793 31 100 56 1056 503 47.6 25 4 16.0 69.2
25. David Marcantel SG Neumann 126-129 115 2835 1303 128 229 2 112 924 436 47.2 588 260 44.2 68.4
* Bolded players are currently active.
Minimum Requirements:
  • 300 FGA to qualify for FG%
  • 100 FG3A to qualify for 3Pt%
  • 200 FTA to qualify for FT%