Record: 27-5 Conference: Little E. Coach: tgblackw Prestige: A+ RPI: 16 SOS: 33
Division III - North Dartmouth, MA
Homecourt: C
Home: 7-1 Away: 20-4
AVG 618
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Name Year Pos School Sn. GP Min Pts Reb Ast Blk Stl FGA FGM FG% 3PtA 3PtM 3Pt% FT%
1. Mark Shaw PG UMass, Dartmouth 114-118 132 3237 2691 193 273 1 146 1733 875 50.5 1393 671 48.2 76.1
2. Mark Degroat SG UMass, Dartmouth 131-135 128 3200 2432 276 362 7 123 1648 790 47.9 1490 694 46.6 68.4
3. Dale Lawler PG UMass, Dartmouth 111-114 130 3161 2208 218 250 5 159 1595 694 43.5 1314 546 41.6 81.5
4. Douglas Thomson SG UMass, Dartmouth 141-144 128 3124 2019 182 251 5 147 1437 651 45.3 1298 566 43.6 70.9
5. Christopher Smith PG UMass, Dartmouth 124-127 125 3326 1823 214 531 2 180 1322 632 47.8 290 115 39.7 68.8
6. Robert Negrete C UMass, Dartmouth 121-124 128 2952 1712 980 51 156 81 1196 672 56.2 7 0 0.0 64.6
7. Robert Young SF UMass, Dartmouth 11-14 114 3357 1644 573 216 24 57 1215 525 43.2 757 303 40.0 72.9
8. Raymond Olson C UMass, Dartmouth 135-138 133 3281 1633 1170 46 206 115 1119 638 57.0 3 0 0.0 64.4
9. David Carrara C UMass, Dartmouth 147-150 132 3025 1619 1113 47 119 104 1140 630 55.3 4 1 25.0 63.1
10. Keith Shifflett PG UMass, Dartmouth 125-129 128 2903 1596 212 386 6 170 1065 515 48.4 702 310 44.2 67.0
11. Melvin Pfeffer SF UMass, Dartmouth 100-103 125 3220 1577 422 224 46 111 1188 548 46.1 499 205 41.1 67.2
12. Peter Warfield SG UMass, Dartmouth 95-99 121 2787 1575 368 198 21 105 1135 576 50.7 362 145 40.1 65.0
13. Gary Woods PG UMass, Dartmouth 147-150 132 2932 1570 206 308 2 120 1005 497 49.5 616 282 45.8 78.8
14. Luis Unzueta C UMass, Dartmouth 132-135 132 3015 1545 768 160 186 92 992 581 58.6 1 0 0.0 72.3
15. Leo Robinson PG UMass, Dartmouth 89-92 96 2185 1539 110 303 2 96 1102 496 45.0 826 354 42.9 78.8
16. Horace Hart PG UMass, Dartmouth 135-138 133 2414 1530 108 351 6 94 941 486 51.6 862 432 50.1 73.3
17. Robert Taylor PF UMass, Dartmouth 116-119 131 2733 1513 891 82 139 85 1052 585 55.6 5 0 0.0 72.4
18. Tim Witte C UMass, Dartmouth 106-109 123 2987 1507 1011 35 146 103 1049 574 54.7 1 0 0.0 68.6
19. Joe Steele PG UMass, Dartmouth 98-102 128 2893 1503 153 390 4 111 1080 508 47.0 622 268 43.1 71.1
20. Thomas Houston SG UMass, Dartmouth 93-96 109 2484 1486 85 188 2 81 1114 481 43.2 922 384 41.6 79.5
21. Scott Liles PG UMass, Dartmouth 97-100 123 2867 1474 99 257 3 103 1061 478 45.1 936 403 43.1 72.3
22. Richard Moulder C UMass, Dartmouth 113-116 133 2682 1466 909 47 142 81 957 565 59.0 1 0 0.0 70.0
23. Nickolas Charles PG UMass, Dartmouth 145-149 133 3201 1463 254 650 3 163 1023 515 50.3 8 1 12.5 68.4
24. Thomas Pierre SF UMass, Dartmouth 83-86 110 3069 1455 621 153 28 86 1076 492 45.7 465 194 41.7 75.1
25. David Carter C UMass, Dartmouth 96-99 121 2778 1452 900 70 97 63 1100 574 52.2 3 0 0.0 64.1
* Bolded players are currently active.
Minimum Requirements:
  • 300 FGA to qualify for FG%
  • 100 FG3A to qualify for 3Pt%
  • 200 FTA to qualify for FT%