Record: 9-19 Conference: Great NE Coach: Sim AI Prestige: C- RPI: 318 SOS: 323
Division III - Springfield, MA
Homecourt: D
Home: 3-10 Away: 6-9
AVG 524
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Name Year Pos School Sn. GP Min Pts Reb Ast Blk Stl FGA FGM FG% 3PtA 3PtM 3Pt% FT%
1. Michael Anderson SG W. New England 20-24 119 3100 1711 41 282 1 146 1148 526 45.8 911 392 43.0 82.4
2. Lyle Ames PG W. New England 16-19 111 3260 1676 66 440 7 65 1253 533 42.5 930 360 38.7 62.5
3. Jeff Knorr C W. New England 17-20 112 2962 1479 901 33 122 52 1062 540 50.8 0 0 0.0 60.7
4. Marlon Caouette PF W. New England 147-150 120 2922 1442 673 68 83 100 1079 556 51.5 90 19 21.1 63.0
5. Timothy Valencia C W. New England 12-15 108 2914 1426 850 65 111 117 1022 532 52.1 7 0 0.0 58.7
6. Louis Duesenberg SG W. New England 148-151 120 2707 1406 185 334 3 95 997 459 46.0 831 367 44.2 71.2
7. Larry Curtis SG W. New England 84-87 114 2642 1377 242 337 9 139 895 441 49.3 562 268 47.7 78.0
8. James Canada PG W. New England 52-55 117 3069 1370 192 495 6 129 935 441 47.2 566 250 44.2 75.1
9. Thomas Wilson PG W. New England 63-66 115 2821 1352 269 147 1 135 993 427 43.0 411 150 36.5 75.5
10. Rodney Canty SF W. New England 39-42 111 3065 1298 349 220 68 114 1070 456 42.6 602 208 34.6 69.0
11. Randall Borchers SF W. New England 138-141 111 2646 1284 367 163 17 92 939 433 46.1 471 189 40.1 74.1
12. Dana Geil SF W. New England 146-149 119 3119 1265 739 184 57 115 900 488 54.2 77 17 22.1 64.8
13. Donald Powell SF W. New England 52-55 117 2939 1264 547 203 49 107 903 445 49.3 210 69 32.9 72.4
14. Wallace Ebbert SG W. New England 55-58 97 2128 1263 180 108 4 82 872 411 47.1 671 303 45.2 77.1
15. Willie Richardson SG W. New England 46-49 109 2902 1252 223 214 4 110 982 422 43.0 539 209 38.8 70.8
16. Gary Roland SG W. New England 112-115 112 2602 1245 125 233 1 104 906 420 46.4 537 233 43.4 77.5
17. Daniel Paquet SF W. New England 20-23 116 2943 1231 375 84 10 112 908 409 45.0 190 85 44.7 65.6
18. Brandon Propst SF W. New England 75-78 110 2359 1227 361 97 30 99 925 410 44.3 600 237 39.5 64.4
19. Anthony Gates SG W. New England 11-14 110 3087 1224 224 257 9 73 965 400 41.5 665 254 38.2 63.9
20. Robert Troutt SG W. New England 33-36 114 2517 1210 207 277 29 92 827 412 49.8 544 246 45.2 62.5
21. Martin Davis SG W. New England 100-103 112 2394 1209 164 192 5 97 890 409 46.0 603 248 41.1 67.5
22. Edgar Tolliver PG W. New England 116-119 113 2493 1205 73 447 2 130 836 404 48.3 283 118 41.7 76.2
23. Garth Finch SG W. New England 117-120 113 2588 1200 201 156 2 101 855 387 45.3 664 283 42.6 74.1
24. Christopher Simmons PF W. New England 119-122 112 2582 1184 722 125 80 93 951 405 42.6 28 7 25.0 71.8
25. Michael Williams PG W. New England 12-15 110 3163 1183 227 439 13 79 947 387 40.9 689 263 38.2 55.7
* Bolded players are currently active.
Minimum Requirements:
  • 300 FGA to qualify for FG%
  • 100 FG3A to qualify for 3Pt%
  • 200 FTA to qualify for FT%