Record: 32-1 Conference: Capital Coach: dreamteam20 Prestige: A+ RPI: 11 SOS: 44
Division III - York, PA
Homecourt: C
Home: 13-0 Away: 19-1
AVG 652
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Name Year Pos School Sn. GP Min Pts Reb Ast Blk Stl FGA FGM FG% 3PtA 3PtM 3Pt% FT%
1. Philip Hurley PG York (PA) 132-135 119 2579 2193 347 131 25 224 1682 714 42.4 9 2 22.2 70.0
2. Jeffrey McCurdy PF York (PA) 147-151 132 2892 2178 987 105 106 129 1513 806 53.3 2 0 0.0 70.8
3. Leonard James PG York (PA) 134-137 126 2154 2173 144 318 1 199 1370 688 50.2 1216 596 49.0 70.5
4. Charles Bowen PF York (PA) 143-146 127 2685 2136 847 84 94 95 1451 812 56.0 4 0 0.0 71.5
5. Todd Polakowski PG York (PA) 144-147 128 2697 1973 184 257 14 172 1302 628 48.2 1124 523 46.5 80.8
6. Henry Luttrell C York (PA) 139-142 131 2938 1873 980 83 137 92 1391 754 54.2 3 0 0.0 59.4
7. Jess Kidd SG York (PA) 142-146 127 2527 1821 297 402 19 185 1190 582 48.9 753 341 45.3 69.8
8. John Nedd SG York (PA) 147-150 131 2468 1756 145 235 8 195 1183 563 47.6 632 260 41.1 72.7
9. Steven Jennings SG York (PA) 2-5 112 3408 1710 436 193 18 131 1435 597 41.6 456 178 39.0 63.9
10. George Dittmer SG York (PA) 138-141 128 2317 1650 114 295 2 168 1035 522 50.4 781 376 48.1 73.7
11. Donald Cronin PF York (PA) 146-149 134 2598 1641 750 89 80 91 1043 579 55.5 5 0 0.0 73.4
12. Walter Kramer SF York (PA) 114-117 111 2421 1528 339 151 15 140 1084 536 49.4 331 116 35.0 73.1
13. Henry Fox SG York (PA) 48-51 109 3102 1502 265 280 3 126 1039 489 47.1 820 366 44.6 86.3
14. Andre Smithwick C York (PA) 82-85 115 2537 1493 605 28 48 89 1037 527 50.8 43 7 16.3 70.4
15. Alexander Robinson PG York (PA) 134-137 126 2490 1483 285 417 3 215 999 516 51.7 2 0 0.0 65.6
16. Joseph Anchondo PG York (PA) 139-142 131 2080 1454 178 408 1 163 898 462 51.4 624 295 47.3 74.4
17. Roger Poole SG York (PA) 121-124 112 2557 1445 303 252 5 195 1117 474 42.4 781 295 37.8 69.4
18. William Bartlett SF York (PA) 139-143 130 2733 1443 551 244 63 162 965 508 52.6 128 59 46.1 68.8
19. Edward Reyes SF York (PA) 6-9 112 3051 1443 596 151 9 158 1327 517 39.0 570 168 29.5 58.2
20. Kenneth Dong C York (PA) 2-5 107 3685 1398 1163 127 127 180 1214 561 46.2 51 8 15.7 51.0
21. Matthew Chatman PF York (PA) 139-142 131 2802 1381 859 158 126 105 1012 549 54.2 3 0 0.0 62.3
22. Kerry Hart SG York (PA) 135-138 127 2284 1377 152 322 2 217 881 470 53.3 210 94 44.8 66.0
23. Robert Hernandez PF York (PA) 9-12 113 2514 1373 836 41 80 82 968 515 53.2 11 1 9.1 62.3
24. George James SG York (PA) 84-87 115 2098 1293 179 124 1 159 940 434 46.2 186 56 30.1 74.8
25. John Jacobsen PG York (PA) 139-142 131 2294 1280 141 462 1 186 881 421 47.8 206 85 41.3 68.4
* Bolded players are currently active.
Minimum Requirements:
  • 300 FGA to qualify for FG%
  • 100 FG3A to qualify for 3Pt%
  • 200 FTA to qualify for FT%