Record: 29-2 Conference: ASC Coach: utthead Prestige: A+ RPI: 4 SOS: 17
Division III - Richardson, TX
Homecourt: C
Home: 12-0 Away: 17-2
AVG 633
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Name Year Pos School Sn. GP Min Pts Reb Ast Blk Stl FGA FGM FG% 3PtA 3PtM 3Pt% FT%
1. William Eatmon SG Texas, Dallas 94-98 132 2713 3364 313 183 7 177 2363 1110 47.0 1766 793 44.9 77.7
2. Arnold Hunt PG Texas, Dallas 106-110 133 2518 1924 211 399 2 115 1228 631 51.4 787 389 49.4 76.5
3. George Coleman PG Texas, Dallas 64-67 115 2640 1797 112 310 4 90 1256 580 46.2 1105 487 44.1 73.2
4. Samual Porter PF Texas, Dallas 22-25 121 2757 1768 1070 54 158 94 1221 597 48.9 101 34 33.7 78.0
5. Donald Fletcher PG Texas, Dallas 127-130 132 2875 1653 212 272 7 208 1229 590 48.0 344 118 34.3 70.7
6. Chris Ballard PF Texas, Dallas 53-57 129 2628 1636 682 28 68 93 1149 629 54.7 2 0 0.0 64.7
7. Fred Mary PG Texas, Dallas 53-56 126 2557 1595 98 358 1 152 1139 526 46.2 807 342 42.4 75.8
8. Bernardo Russo PG Texas, Dallas 129-133 126 2871 1559 174 413 4 144 1153 512 44.4 899 376 41.8 72.3
9. Gerald Frese PG Texas, Dallas 21-24 118 3036 1518 223 484 21 127 998 456 45.7 695 300 43.2 82.5
10. Lorenzo Peterson SG Texas, Dallas 68-71 115 3363 1500 270 456 2 123 1088 498 45.8 818 351 42.9 69.2
11. Alberto Colombo SF Texas, Dallas 131-134 124 2969 1491 512 220 19 115 1193 557 46.7 201 72 35.8 62.9
12. Eric Wixom SG Texas, Dallas 92-95 133 2875 1471 255 315 5 277 900 469 52.1 28 9 32.1 74.9
13. Ismael Grimm PF Texas, Dallas 30-33 119 2389 1458 956 105 127 87 1116 556 49.8 7 2 28.6 72.9
14. Steve Olkowski SF Texas, Dallas 25-29 122 2647 1440 738 63 44 110 917 492 53.7 212 80 37.7 68.6
15. Ashley Fields PG Texas, Dallas 87-91 124 2243 1433 160 424 1 173 896 484 54.0 351 173 49.3 65.2
16. Edward Jones PG Texas, Dallas 59-62 127 2490 1430 169 219 8 122 1056 463 43.8 802 322 40.1 71.1
17. Wenceslaus Zuchowski SG Texas, Dallas 20-23 115 2708 1397 222 373 35 83 906 417 46.0 708 314 44.4 78.8
18. Raymond Longenecker PF Texas, Dallas 16-19 109 2713 1392 638 38 76 104 960 519 54.1 17 5 29.4 64.4
19. Michael Edwards SG Texas, Dallas 16-19 112 2695 1372 229 288 5 74 994 436 43.9 716 284 39.7 62.6
20. John Harshman C Texas, Dallas 24-27 120 2448 1366 961 33 179 75 965 464 48.1 183 42 23.0 76.3
21. Chris Clark PG Texas, Dallas 91-94 131 2441 1366 127 535 3 200 839 399 47.6 517 239 46.2 84.6
22. Cody Sturgeon PG Texas, Dallas 90-93 128 2616 1364 255 534 3 198 939 470 50.1 309 133 43.0 64.8
23. Eugene Fountain PG Texas, Dallas 127-131 132 3041 1336 246 467 2 185 814 432 53.1 5 0 0.0 78.8
24. Robert Widowski PG Texas, Dallas 58-61 127 2458 1329 103 294 2 129 993 423 42.6 775 311 40.1 72.6
25. Richard Robinson SF Texas, Dallas 30-33 119 2389 1321 525 136 40 133 976 479 49.1 312 119 38.1 66.5
* Bolded players are currently active.
Minimum Requirements:
  • 300 FGA to qualify for FG%
  • 100 FG3A to qualify for 3Pt%
  • 200 FTA to qualify for FT%