Record: 22-8 Conference: Great NW Coach: gopokes24 Prestige: A+ RPI: 23 SOS: 18
Division II - Billings, MT
Homecourt: B
Home: 10-2 Away: 12-6
AVG 644
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Name Year Pos School Sn. GP Min Pts Reb Ast Blk Stl FGA FGM FG% 3PtA 3PtM 3Pt% FT%
1. Justin Edmond SF Montana St., Billings 149-152 131 2929 1926 321 186 25 206 1410 621 44.0 923 392 42.5 63.8
2. William Rivers PG Montana St., Billings 123-127 112 2697 1849 283 281 6 214 1321 597 45.2 242 85 35.1 72.7
3. Ronald Champagne SF Montana St., Billings 63-66 114 2578 1659 340 95 10 98 1278 595 46.6 253 87 34.4 68.6
4. Kenny Jackson SG Montana St., Billings 144-147 119 2742 1654 239 263 2 161 1211 545 45.0 733 297 40.5 71.8
5. Thomas Heal SG Montana St., Billings 19-22 112 2991 1536 26 378 1 115 1106 468 42.3 833 337 40.5 75.8
6. Huang Tang C Montana St., Billings 146-150 125 2495 1480 668 61 151 81 1008 573 56.8 0 0 0.0 69.0
7. Robert Stone PG Montana St., Billings 87-90 110 2962 1373 217 339 1 120 968 459 47.4 741 327 44.1 70.7
8. Rusty Galarza SF Montana St., Billings 5-8 112 3290 1334 446 159 1 106 1110 478 43.1 460 162 35.2 62.1
9. William Bones SF Montana St., Billings 59-62 111 2618 1279 437 212 28 113 925 439 47.5 190 55 28.9 75.4
10. Richard Lomanto PG Montana St., Billings 21-24 118 3105 1272 103 518 8 102 935 394 42.1 626 256 40.9 76.5
11. Lupe Castillo SF Montana St., Billings 28-31 116 2366 1268 497 121 32 132 955 442 46.3 105 33 31.4 72.2
12. Christopher Tobin PG Montana St., Billings 54-57 115 2878 1266 320 318 0 158 995 440 44.2 37 7 18.9 70.4
13. Theodore Mason SF Montana St., Billings 127-130 115 2133 1266 376 160 32 127 894 435 48.7 254 77 30.3 73.3
14. Jay Harris SG Montana St., Billings 55-58 117 2732 1253 225 191 8 116 969 403 41.6 794 307 38.7 70.4
15. Billy Wooten PG Montana St., Billings 83-86 109 3118 1235 127 474 2 106 939 422 44.9 656 283 43.1 61.4
16. Douglas Gallagher SG Montana St., Billings 83-86 109 2894 1224 137 234 2 108 903 406 45.0 620 270 43.5 64.5
17. Edward Robitaille SG Montana St., Billings 26-29 115 2564 1213 94 272 0 187 905 415 45.9 604 220 36.4 60.6
18. Robert Yan PG Montana St., Billings 116-119 112 2016 1205 137 258 1 140 835 393 47.1 410 167 40.7 74.1
19. Kenneth Salmon SG Montana St., Billings 149-152 131 2330 1200 195 306 1 145 932 408 43.8 576 232 40.3 66.7
20. Gerald Gress PG Montana St., Billings 66-69 112 2711 1182 114 426 2 129 814 397 48.8 449 198 44.1 69.6
21. Romeo Trombley SG Montana St., Billings 1-4 113 2841 1181 385 196 21 112 861 415 48.2 224 89 39.7 73.2
22. Jeffrey Phillips PG Montana St., Billings 139-142 116 2164 1175 160 307 3 151 804 375 46.6 290 109 37.6 76.5
23. David Thomas PF Montana St., Billings 5-8 112 3275 1175 696 121 93 126 939 455 48.5 48 12 25.0 65.2
24. Lamar Bradford SG Montana St., Billings 95-98 113 1985 1166 276 173 3 138 855 380 44.4 464 189 40.7 71.9
25. Patrick Lucier PG Montana St., Billings 95-98 113 2074 1160 76 276 2 144 809 372 46.0 456 189 41.4 81.7
* Bolded players are currently active.
Minimum Requirements:
  • 300 FGA to qualify for FG%
  • 100 FG3A to qualify for 3Pt%
  • 200 FTA to qualify for FT%