Record: 7-6 Conference: GLV Coach: simpleton Prestige: A+ RPI: 21 SOS: 6
Division II - Indianapolis, IN
Homecourt: C+
Home: 3-3 Away: 4-3
AVG 609
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Name Year Pos School Sn. GP Min Pts Reb Ast Blk Stl FGA FGM FG% 3PtA 3PtM 3Pt% FT%
1. Joseph Allen C U. of Indianapolis 2-5 118 3452 1806 913 104 222 116 1229 708 57.6 42 4 9.5 69.9
2. Walter Theodore SF U. of Indianapolis 29-33 118 3292 1799 687 244 8 68 1327 629 47.4 210 89 42.4 74.2
3. Robin Cole SG U. of Indianapolis 1-4 115 3033 1608 423 208 25 121 1078 562 52.1 297 147 49.5 84.0
4. Michael Dolan PG U. of Indianapolis 48-52 114 2738 1578 136 403 1 120 1276 507 39.7 735 258 35.1 86.7
5. Stephen Warren C U. of Indianapolis 144-148 121 2925 1562 894 98 144 86 1072 588 54.9 1 0 0.0 74.7
6. Vernon Douglas PG U. of Indianapolis 92-95 115 2739 1516 147 429 0 112 1088 482 44.3 799 329 41.2 80.8
7. Billy Sneed C U. of Indianapolis 46-50 114 2695 1500 774 38 110 54 1229 576 46.9 9 1 11.1 76.6
8. Harvey Smith SF U. of Indianapolis 1-4 117 3177 1472 706 201 52 87 1056 522 49.4 247 99 40.1 83.1
9. Todd Burdge SF U. of Indianapolis 44-48 113 2336 1413 208 150 17 98 1007 509 50.5 214 83 38.8 73.6
10. James Kline SG U. of Indianapolis 114-117 108 2652 1410 132 200 0 115 1083 473 43.7 639 251 39.3 72.0
11. Robert Ball PG U. of Indianapolis 83-86 108 2435 1403 87 214 2 144 1160 467 40.3 806 300 37.2 71.3
12. Raymond O'Rouke PG U. of Indianapolis 92-96 118 2721 1387 141 320 1 101 1031 453 43.9 778 333 42.8 67.0
13. Jack Conway PG U. of Indianapolis 148-151 129 2623 1387 182 423 4 142 908 444 48.9 703 328 46.7 69.8
14. Joseph Oliver C U. of Indianapolis 149-153 129 2788 1385 861 57 100 77 959 500 52.1 4 0 0.0 72.6
15. John Hyde SF U. of Indianapolis 48-51 112 2736 1335 343 191 25 124 1017 449 44.1 721 304 42.2 83.1
16. Carroll Sosa C U. of Indianapolis 4-7 109 2815 1327 773 120 124 123 949 513 54.1 19 1 5.3 65.6
17. Steven Young SG U. of Indianapolis 139-142 108 2331 1326 225 324 1 90 907 447 49.3 680 329 48.4 67.8
18. James Webb C U. of Indianapolis 5-8 110 2541 1284 1001 127 166 76 845 487 57.6 7 2 28.6 71.5
19. Erik Mastropietro SG U. of Indianapolis 70-73 112 3075 1257 218 208 1 103 982 424 43.2 569 218 38.3 71.5
20. Bryan Lockridge PF U. of Indianapolis 45-48 113 2419 1254 583 105 69 91 882 493 55.9 28 7 25.0 65.4
21. Craig St. Martin SG U. of Indianapolis 17-20 106 2169 1241 339 285 8 38 840 389 46.3 342 144 42.1 84.8
22. Frank Norton SF U. of Indianapolis 42-46 113 2624 1234 390 106 21 78 997 441 44.2 435 162 37.2 68.6
23. Mathew Jones PG U. of Indianapolis 79-82 108 2287 1214 159 214 1 143 950 392 41.3 640 240 37.5 81.2
24. Marcus Pavlik PG U. of Indianapolis 65-68 110 3009 1209 161 340 2 110 939 385 41.0 735 271 36.9 75.0
25. Wendell Malchow PG U. of Indianapolis 85-88 108 2631 1198 203 317 2 133 938 398 42.4 482 182 37.8 70.3
* Bolded players are currently active.
Minimum Requirements:
  • 300 FGA to qualify for FG%
  • 100 FG3A to qualify for 3Pt%
  • 200 FTA to qualify for FT%