Record: 12-1 Conference: A10 Coach: t_rexf16 Prestige: B RPI: 103 SOS: 315
Division I - Washington, DC
Homecourt: A+
Home: 6-0 Away: 6-1
AVG 662
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Name Year Pos School Sn. GP Min Pts Reb Ast Blk Stl FGA FGM FG% 3PtA 3PtM 3Pt% FT%
1. Gordon Deeter SG George Washington 149-152 119 2876 2207 143 389 3 119 1597 737 46.1 1327 585 44.1 71.8
2. Ralph Fox PF George Washington 64-67 119 2919 1973 766 98 108 72 1464 760 51.9 4 0 0.0 71.0
3. Christopher Card SF George Washington 1-4 110 3201 1570 491 236 42 108 1083 595 54.9 271 95 35.1 72.9
4. Josef Camacho PF George Washington 8-11 112 3657 1464 896 147 66 150 1111 561 50.5 33 7 21.2 67.4
5. Timothy Litchford SF George Washington 5-8 118 3402 1427 488 162 10 121 1204 514 42.7 634 231 36.4 49.4
6. Igor Madalinski SF George Washington 67-70 118 2852 1405 465 144 65 131 968 514 53.1 82 24 29.3 75.6
7. Robert Muller SG George Washington 144-147 117 2585 1397 119 225 2 96 1141 477 41.8 880 343 39.0 66.7
8. Thomas Farrington PG George Washington 149-152 119 2554 1388 135 474 3 96 909 451 49.6 458 210 45.9 82.6
9. Chuioke Dare PG George Washington 66-69 119 2994 1386 240 482 0 139 928 466 50.2 302 121 40.1 78.7
10. Edward Marshall PF George Washington 4-7 118 3405 1341 785 134 76 132 996 456 45.8 176 20 11.4 82.0
11. James Newton PF George Washington 145-149 120 2649 1288 722 149 95 91 875 492 56.2 5 0 0.0 76.4
12. John Brandon SG George Washington 145-148 119 2840 1284 233 273 12 115 900 445 49.4 467 200 42.8 67.1
13. Brian Rivers SG George Washington 123-126 110 2390 1275 274 320 0 182 832 434 52.2 229 85 37.1 75.1
14. James Arnold SF George Washington 140-143 114 2467 1270 431 141 27 135 902 446 49.4 248 77 31.0 73.8
15. Tyree Carey PF George Washington 11-14 112 2897 1264 673 87 75 115 897 443 49.4 25 3 12.0 74.9
16. Nathaniel Wickline SG George Washington 92-95 116 2370 1244 346 176 2 146 926 412 44.5 425 155 36.5 75.5
17. Garf Postemski SG George Washington 55-58 124 2739 1241 258 180 3 167 933 422 45.2 488 190 38.9 71.6
18. Howard Losh PG George Washington 52-55 121 3124 1237 261 312 5 182 978 455 46.5 336 121 36.0 60.9
19. Timothy Bobrosky SG George Washington 149-153 120 2169 1220 202 221 2 88 897 427 47.6 486 209 43.0 70.1
20. Gregory Kiernan C George Washington 145-148 120 3077 1214 972 110 103 101 814 463 56.9 8 0 0.0 74.6
21. Stephen Hodge PG George Washington 145-148 119 2513 1211 206 255 3 106 914 404 44.2 626 248 39.6 71.1
22. David Stadler SF George Washington 53-56 122 2823 1202 413 203 28 148 887 421 47.5 282 107 37.9 71.1
23. Herbert Luciani SF George Washington 71-74 114 2735 1200 462 178 34 75 952 431 45.3 441 178 40.4 70.5
24. Charlie Wilson SG George Washington 120-123 111 2230 1195 212 221 4 131 864 408 47.2 482 203 42.1 70.7
25. James Mohammed SG George Washington 112-115 111 2092 1181 130 245 1 121 834 402 48.2 449 200 44.5 73.8
* Bolded players are currently active.
Minimum Requirements:
  • 300 FGA to qualify for FG%
  • 100 FG3A to qualify for 3Pt%
  • 200 FTA to qualify for FT%