Record: 8-9 Conference: USA South Coach: Sim AI Prestige: B RPI: 57 SOS: 14
Division III - Demorest, GA
Homecourt: D
Home: 3-4 Away: 5-5
AVG 539
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Name Year Pos School Sn. GP Min Pts Reb Ast Blk Stl FGA FGM FG% 3PtA 3PtM 3Pt% FT%
1. Kenneth Johnson C Piedmont 13-16 116 2900 1849 969 71 170 128 1305 657 50.3 0 0 0.0 71.3
2. Mark Hill C Piedmont 10-13 116 3385 1756 971 51 159 95 1253 615 49.1 0 0 0.0 69.7
3. Matthew Blanchette PG Piedmont 68-72 119 2892 1528 219 273 5 131 1127 498 44.2 946 392 41.4 66.4
4. Alan Cox C Piedmont 29-33 116 2543 1521 671 54 121 136 1152 549 47.7 0 0 0.0 73.7
5. Shaun Troupe SG Piedmont 91-94 108 2365 1451 172 224 0 94 1086 508 46.8 660 289 43.8 68.5
6. John Heins PG Piedmont 73-77 119 3349 1410 296 306 5 127 1041 431 41.4 739 269 36.4 75.2
7. Shannon Gonzales PF Piedmont 2-5 109 2776 1374 738 68 82 90 1120 491 43.8 183 30 16.4 70.2
8. Gary Schloss SG Piedmont 149-152 118 2778 1326 245 187 2 101 937 449 47.9 602 274 45.5 68.1
9. Frank Castellon C Piedmont 16-19 113 2514 1319 787 67 167 91 935 454 48.6 1 0 0.0 74.6
10. Joseph Bare PF Piedmont 16-19 114 2589 1313 668 77 30 121 974 478 49.1 7 3 42.9 73.4
11. Julius Story SG Piedmont 25-28 111 2831 1252 136 218 22 118 957 408 42.6 762 295 38.7 62.4
12. David Mills SG Piedmont 125-128 115 2766 1226 242 255 4 112 985 452 45.9 356 116 32.6 63.4
13. Duane Poe SF Piedmont 118-121 120 2588 1208 349 82 19 98 895 409 45.7 354 133 37.6 75.4
14. Brandon Liriano SF Piedmont 122-125 113 2921 1182 406 256 45 122 869 418 48.1 343 134 39.1 65.4
15. Jimmy Schmidt PF Piedmont 12-15 115 2479 1178 621 77 48 82 822 400 48.7 0 0 0.0 80.1
16. Ben Frantz C Piedmont 6-9 115 2871 1178 1126 3 126 105 1059 483 45.6 15 2 13.3 52.4
17. Jacinto Barrera SG Piedmont 52-55 112 2376 1177 172 146 0 179 946 411 43.4 328 105 32.0 70.0
18. Paul Tocco SG Piedmont 95-98 113 2099 1164 155 151 1 93 785 378 48.2 612 275 44.9 75.6
19. Jeffrey Creagh PF Piedmont 64-67 108 2590 1161 743 34 123 67 925 432 46.7 10 4 40.0 72.5
20. David Zabel SF Piedmont 53-56 113 2560 1157 339 95 16 120 952 411 43.2 391 129 33.0 70.3
21. William Zumalt SG Piedmont 71-75 126 3062 1154 232 300 16 102 869 372 42.8 736 307 41.7 71.5
22. Phillip Jordan SF Piedmont 138-141 110 2283 1152 445 75 34 89 835 415 49.7 256 95 37.1 68.2
23. Michael Mayes SG Piedmont 133-136 106 2174 1149 228 253 3 86 827 398 48.1 388 169 43.6 69.4
24. Jason Wall C Piedmont 1-4 110 3256 1121 776 64 79 91 957 385 40.2 67 9 13.4 75.3
25. Kristopher Hayes SG Piedmont 133-136 112 2242 1099 141 155 8 76 771 369 47.9 493 218 44.2 70.8
* Bolded players are currently active.
Minimum Requirements:
  • 300 FGA to qualify for FG%
  • 100 FG3A to qualify for 3Pt%
  • 200 FTA to qualify for FT%